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Title: Sponsorship of international cultural cooperation projects
Author: Lewandowska, Kamila
Keywords: Cooperació cultural
Intellectual cooperation
Art patronage
Issue Date: 8-Mar-2012
Series/Report no: Novembre 2011
Abstract: Summary: This paper examines the arts and business relationships within international cooperation projects. Different forms of private sector involvement in culture financing have been described and differentiated. The four types of private funding of culture: business investment, individual giving and trust and foundations were put in the context of cultural policies models in four countries: France, Sweden, United Kingdom and Germany. There has been a concerted effort to expand different forms of business and the arts relations through three case studies: London International Festival of Theatre, Museum Guggenheim Bilbao and OFFF Festival. Finally, the project analyzes business motivation to cooperate with artistic organizations. The final effect of considerations is a list of recommendations for international cultural projects organizers that aim to engage business partners.
Note: Director: Luis Bonet i Agustí
Appears in Collections:Projectes Finals - IL3-UB (Institut de Formació Contínua)

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