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Title: Epibiotic bryozoans on deep-water seleractinian corals from the Catalonia slope (western Mediterranean, Spain, France)
Author: Zabala i Limousin, Mikel
Maluquer, P. (Pere)
Harmelin, Jean-Georges
Keywords: Briozous
Mediterrània, Mar
Mediterranean Sea
Issue Date: 1993
Publisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Abstract: The bryozoan fauna growing on deep-water corals (Lophelia, Madrepora) from the upper-slope of Catalonia (Blanes and Banyuls-sur-mer: NW Mediterranean Sea) was studied. Among the 36 species recorded, a new species, Escharella acuta sp. nov., and a new subspecies, Escharina dutertrei protecta ssp. nov., are described; five other species have been rarely reported or were unknown from the Mediterranean Sea (Copidozoum exiguum, Amphiblestrum flemingii, Schizomavella neptuni, Smittina crystallina, Phylactellipora eximia) . This epibiotic bryozoan fauna differs clearly from shallow-water assemblages and comprises a greater proportion of boreo-atlantic species.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Scientia Marina, 1993, vol. 57, num. 1, p. 65-78
ISSN: 0214-8358
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals)

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