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Title: Ferromagnetism in transparent thin films of MgO
Author: Martínez Boubeta, José Carlos
Beltrán, J. I.
Balcells i Argemí, Lluís
Konstantinović, Zorica
Valencia, S.
Schmitz, D.
Arbiol i Cobos, Jordi
Estradé Albiol, Sònia
Cornil, J.
Martínez Perea, Benjamin
Keywords: Pel·lícules fines
Òxid de magnesi
Thin films
Magnesium oxide
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: American Physical Society
Abstract: We show both theoretical and experimental evidences of the appearance of ferromagnetism in MgO thin films. First-principles calculations allow predicting the possibility of the formation of a local moment in MgO, provided the existence of Mg vacancies which create holes on acceptor levels near the O 2p-dominated valence band. Magnetic measurements evidence of the existence of room-temperature ferromagnetism in MgO thin films. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy demonstrates the existence of cation vacancies in our samples. Finally, by applying the element specificity of the x-ray magnetic circular dichroism technique, we also demonstrate that the magnetic moments of the system arise from the spin polarization of the 2p electrons of oxygen atoms surrounding Mg vacancies.
It is part of: Physical Review B, 2010, vol. 82, p. 024405-1-024405-7
ISSN: 1098-0121
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Enginyeria Electrònica i Biomèdica)

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