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Title: Regional Science trends through the analysis of the main facts of the 51st ERSA Conference
Author: Royuela Mora, Vicente
Keywords: Ciència regional
Regional science
Issue Date: Jun-2012
Abstract: The 51st ERSA Conference held in Barcelona in 2011 was one of the largest ever. By examining the characteristics of the conference, this paper identifies the main trends in Regional Science and draws on a broad array of sources of information: the delegates" demographic details, the conference program itself, a satisfaction survey conducted among delegates, a quality survey addressed to those chairing the sessions and, finally, a bibliometric database including each author signing a paper presented at the conference. We finally run a regression analysis from which we show that for ERSA delegates what matters most is quality, and this must be the direction that future conferences should move toward. Ultimately, ERSA conferences are comprehensive, all-embracing occasions, representing an ideal opportunity for regional scientists to present their work to each other and to network.
It is part of: Investigaciones Regionales , 2012, vol. 24, p. 13-39
ISSN: 1695-7253
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Econometria, Estadística i Economia Aplicada)

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