Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 80
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
3-Jun-2009 | Environmental shaping and carbon cycling in a macrophyte-dominated Mediterranean coastal lagoon | Obrador Sala, Biel |
1984 | Revisión de la biología y ecología de la familia Brachylaimidae Joyeux et Foley, 1930 (Trematoda: Digenea) con especial énfasis en las especies parásitas de mamíferos | Montoliu Sanllehy, Isabel de |
29-Jan-2021 | The functional role of emergent macrophytes in nature-based solutions (NBS) aiming to mitigate nutrient loading in freshwater ecosystems | Nikolakopoulou, Myrto-Georgia |
21-Jun-1978 | Ecología y sistemática de los quironómidos (Insecta, Diptera) de los embalses españoles | Prat i Fornells, Narcís |
10-Feb-2017 | Effects of flow discontinuities on carbon gas fluxes in a Mediterranean fluvial network = Efecte de les dicontinuitats hidrològiques sobre els fluxes gasosos de carboni en una xarxa fluvial Mediterrània | Gómez Gener, Lluís |
8-Apr-2016 | Insights into seascape ecology: landscape patterns as drivers in coastal marine ecosystems = Perspectives en l'ecologia del paisatge marí: els patrons del paisatge com a factors de control en els ecosistemes marins costaners | Martínez Ricart, Aurora |
9-Feb-2016 | Flora and vegetation of the Guayana highlands : past dynamics, global warming and conservation guidelines = Flora i vegetació de les Terres de Guayana : dinàmica del passat, escalfament global i directrius de conservació | Safont Crespo, Elisabet |
8-Feb-2016 | Palaeoecological study of vegetation dynamics in the Neotropical Gran Sabana since the Late Glacial = Estudio paleoecológico de la dinámica de la vegetación en la Neotropical Gran Sabana desde el Tardiglaciar | Ballesteros Larrotta, Tania Marcela |
5-Feb-2016 | Invertebrate community responses to pollutants in mediterranean basins : insights from ecotoxicological approaches = Respostes de la comunitat d'invertebrats als contaminants en conques mediterrànies: aproximacions ecotoxicològiques | Castro Català, Núria de |
5-Feb-2016 | Biology and population ecology of uncultured Archaea in natural environments analyzed by taxon-specific molecular markers = Biología y ecología poblacional de Archaeas no cultivadas en ambientes naturales analizadas mediante marcadores moleculares específicos | Restrepo Ortiz, Claudia Ximena |
29-Jan-2016 | Ecology and bioindicator potential of benthic macroinvertebrates in a Mediterranean salt wedge estuary: the Ebro River case | Nebra Costas, Alfonso |
29-Jan-2016 | Fire legacies in Mediterranean streams: the key roles of the riparian canopy and the top predator on food webs | Rodríguez Lozano, Pablo |
20-Jan-2016 | Modelling Social-Ecological Systems in the Catalan Coastal Zones | Tomlinson, Benjamin John |
8-Jan-2016 | Fish as local stressors of Pyrenean high mountain lakes: Arrival process and impact on amphibians and other organisms | Miró Pastó, Alexandre |
25-Nov-2015 | Conservation of marine habitat-forming species under climate change: population genetics and demographic responses of the Mediterranean red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata. | Arizmendi Mejía, Rosana |
16-Nov-2015 | The influence of Mediterranean riparian zones on stream nitrogen dynamics: A catchment approach. | Lupon Navazo, Anna |
24-Jul-2015 | Mediterranean forests in a changing environment - Impacts of drought and temperature stress on tree physiology | Sperlich, Dominik |
10-Jul-2015 | Scale-dependent factors modulate sea urchin predation in macrophyte communities | Farina, Simone |
6-Jul-2015 | Tracking environmental change in seagrass meadows: understanding indicator behaviour across space and time | Roca Carceller, Guillem |
27-Mar-2015 | Effects of human activities on nitrogen cycling in Mediterranean streams: contrasts between nitrate and ammoniun dynamics | Ribot Bermejo, Miquel |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 80