Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 35
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1996 | Contribucions a la teoria de models de la lògica sense identitat | Dellunde i Clavé, Pilar |
15-Mar-2010 | Auto-conocimiento, memoria y racionalidad (Estudio de tres argumentos anti-externistas) | Garmendia Mugica, Ekain |
20-Dec-2016 | In Defense of Implicit Times | Rey Sampedro, David Alejandro |
17-Jul-2015 | Context and compositionality: an essay in metasemantics | Briciu, Adrian |
8-Jun-2015 | A few things about hyperimaginaries and stable forking | Potier, Joris |
8-Jun-2016 | Investigations into the role of translations in abstract algebraic logic | Moraschini, Tommaso |
11-Dec-2015 | Composites | Horden, John |
16-Mar-2016 | Operators and strong versions of sentential logics in Abstract Algebraic Logic | Albuquerque, Hugo Cardoso |
8-Feb-2016 | Análisis lógico-comparativo de las formulaciones de la termodinámica | Sánchez Ferrer, Juan Manuel |
10-Feb-2016 | La Lógica de Gottlob Frege: 1879 – 1903 | Bertran San Millán, Joan |
21-Oct-2015 | Topological dualities and completions for (distributive) partially ordered sets | González, Luciano J. |
1-Jun-2015 | The World As I Found It. A Subjectivist Metaphysics of the Mental | Merlo, Giovanni |
24-Apr-2015 | The Literal Meaning of Definite Descriptions | Moldovan, Andrei |
20-Jun-2014 | Apriority and Colour Inclusion | Reining, Stefan |
19-Nov-2013 | Logical planning in Temporal Defeasible and Dynamic Epistemic Logics: the case of t-DeLP and LCC | Pardo Ventura, Pere |
4-Nov-2013 | Duality theory and Abstract Algebraic Logic | Esteban, María |
12-Jul-2012 | Forcing Arguments in Infinite RamseyTheory | García Ávila, Luz María |
13-May-2013 | La determinación de la referencia de los términos para artefactos | Ortega Cano, Laura |
11-Apr-2013 | Cognitive phenomenology: a non-reductive account | Jorba Grau, Marta |
14-Dec-2012 | Large cardinals and resurrection axioms | Tsaprounis, Konstantinos |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 35