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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 146
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Jul-2018Study and applications of dynamic chemical networks of pseudopeptidic compoundsLafuente Fabra, Maria
23-Feb-2018Development of synthetic strategies for lasso peptides with anticancer activityMartín Gómez, Helena
7-Mar-2018From phage display and venoms to protease-resistant peptides: Design of BBB-shuttles and peptides targeting EGFDíaz Perlas, Cristina
15-Jun-2012Péptidos sintéticos del GB virus C. Aplicación en el diagnóstico de infección y en el diseño de potenciales agentes terapéuticos contra el VIH-1Fernández Arauzo, Leticia
13-Jan-2017Mayotlide: synthetic approaches and structural elucidationHerraiz Cobo, Jesús
15-Sep-2017Design, synthesis and biophysical evaluation of peptides targeting pharmacologically relevant proteinsGuardiola Bagán, Salvador
18-Sep-2017Universal diagnostic platforms based on oligonucleotide codified nanoparticles and DNA microarray devicesBroto Avilés, Marta
12-May-2017Synthesis of biaryl bicyclic peptides for recognition of protein surfacesGarcia Pindado, Júlia
12-Jan-2017Blood-Brain Barrier Shuttles: From Design to ApplicationArranz Gibert, Pol
8-Nov-2016Cyclic peptides and small proteins in molecular recognitionCiudad Fernández, Sonia
15-Jul-2016Linkers for bioconjugationRamos Tomillero, Iván
4-Jul-2016New strategies based on nanosystems to facilitate the crossing through biological barriersGarcia Garcia, Josep
13-May-2016Design, synthesis and characterisation of photoswitchable allosteric modulators of metabotropic glutamate receptorsGómez Santacana, Xavier
28-Jun-2016Síntesi de l'amfidinolida EMola Solà, Laura
25-Feb-2016Multifunctional self-stratified polyurethane-polyurea nanosystems for smart drug deliveryRocas Alonso, Pau
19-Jan-2016Noves aproximacions per a la detecció de microorganismes patògensPastells Díez, Carme
20-Jan-2016Aproximació a la síntesi de la fluvirucina B₂Llàcer Nicolás, Enric
11-Mar-2016Intermolecular Pauson-Khad reaction: study of the regioselectivity, photochemistry of the adducts and synthetic applicationsKhaizourane, Héléa
18-Jan-2016Tautomería de valencia en moléculas con número par de electrones: transición térmica al estado electrónico triplete inducida por un cambio conformacional. Nuevos materiales con comportamientos ferromagnéticosHeras, Carlos, 1986-
28-Jan-2016A Multiplexed diagnostic approach for cardiovascular disease biomarkersColom Sanmartí, Glòria
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 146