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Title: Sobre la diosa Siria o un posible regreso a casa de Luciano de Samosata
Author: Mestre, Francesca
Keywords: Imperi Romà, 30 aC-476 dC
Roman Empire, 30 B.C.-476 A.D.
Llucià, ca. 120-ca. 190
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Abstract: The De Dea Syria belongs, in the manuscript tradition, to the corpus of Lucian of Samosata. His authorship, however, has been discussed: while some perceive in it clear non-lucianic elements, others do not find them conclusive proofs, considering the usual evasive character of Lucian. Assuming that his author is actually Lucian -or, in any case, a hellenized Syrian of imperial times-, the analysis of descriptions, narrative, language and narrator-text, give valuable information on fusion and interaction among cultures in the Roman Empire. KEYWORDS: Cultural identity - Religion - Roman Empire - Lucian of Samosata
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Synthesis, 2007, num. 14, p. 31-51
ISSN: 0328-1205
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Filologia Clàssica, Romànica i Semítica)

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