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Title: Proposal of Structure and Information Organization for Bullipedia
Author: Johannes, Mirjam
Director/Tutor: Martí Antonin, M. Antònia
Vila Rigat, Marta
Keywords: Gastronomia
Treballs de fi de màster
Master's theses
Issue Date: Sep-2014
Abstract: Recently the gastronomic discourse has gained more resonance in the society. The new culinary studies such as the Bachelor’s degree in Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences (interuniversity UB-UPC with CETT and Fundació Alícia) and the new projects of Ferran Adrià like Bullipedia, are only a few examples of this phenomenon. The Bullipedia project led by Ferran Adrià is promoted by elBulliFoundation at BullipediaLab, and has the academic support of the University of Barcelona and other institutions through the UB-Bullipedia Unit, situated at the Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus of the University of Barcelona. The study presented here is dedicated to the knowledge representation in the Bullipedia encyclopaedia, an online resource that aims at containing the gastronomic knowledge of all times. The creation of the Bullipedia encyclopaedia derives from the necessity for a reliable, complete and uniform source of information in the field of gastronomy. The rise of the gastronomic and culinary discourse in the society, has increased notably the need for this kind of a resource. Bullipedia aims to provide a scientific model for all this gastronomic and culinary knowledge. The development of the Bullipedia encyclopaedia is part of the bigger project with the same name mentioned before. The Bullipedia project has two main purposes. First, to make possible for gastronomy to become an academic discipline, in other words, to give to gastronomy an academic dimension. In order to achieve that, this project will provide reliable and structured content on gastronomy. Second, to make the content available to cooks, students, investigators, professionals and society in general through a digital tool. Although the current study is also related to the first objective, it is more strongly linked to the second one. Our purpose is to design a proposal for the Bullipedia encyclopaedia structure that would facilitate the diffusion of the Bullipedia project. The proposals of this study are of advisory nature and should be viewed as recommendations for the Bullipedia project...
Note: Treballs Finals del Màster en Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge, Facultat de Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutores: M. Antònia Martí Antonín i Marta Vila Rigat
Appears in Collections:Màster Oficial - Ciència Cognitiva i Llenguatge (CCiL)

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