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Title: Continuous phase shift of sinusoidal signals using injection locked oscillators
Author: López Villegas, José María
Macías Montero, José Gabriel
Osorio, Joan A.
Cabanillas Costa, Josep
Sieiro Córdoba, Javier José
Samitier i Martí, Josep
Vidal Martínez, Neus
Keywords: Modulació (Electrònica)
Circuits electrònics
Modulation (Electronics)
Electronic circuits
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: This work presents an alternative to generate continuous phase shift of sinusoidal signals based on the use of super harmonic injection locked oscillators (ILO). The proposed circuit is a second harmonic ILO with varactor diodes as tuning elements. In the locking state, by changing the varactor bias, a phase shift instead of a frequency shift is observed at the oscillator output. By combining two of these circuits, relative phases up to 90 could be achieved. Two prototypes of the circuit have been implemented and tested, a hybrid version working in the range of 200-300 MHz and a multichip module (MCM) version covering the 900¿1000 MHz band.
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It is part of: IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, 2005, vol. 15, núm. 5, p. 312- 314
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ISSN: 1531-1309
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Enginyeria Electrònica i Biomèdica)

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