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Title: | Lattice-gas model of particles with orientational and positional degrees of freedom: Mean-field treatment |
Author: | Vives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard Planes Vila, Antoni |
Keywords: | Termodinàmica estadística Transformacions de fase (Física estadística) Statistical thermodynamics Phase transformations (Statistical physics) |
Issue Date: | 1990 |
Publisher: | The American Physical Society |
Abstract: | We consider a lattice-gas model of particles with internal orientational degrees of freedom. In addition to antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor (NN) and next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) positional interactions we also consider NN and NNN interactions arising from the internal state of the particles. The system then shows positional and orientational ordering modes with associated phase transitions at Tp and To temperatures at which long-range positional and orientational ordering are, respectively, lost. We use mean-field techniques to obtain a general approach to the study of these systems. By considering particular forms of the orientational interaction function we study coupling effects between both phase transitions arising from the interplay between orientational and positional degrees of freedom. In mean-field approximation coupling effects appear only for the phase transition taking place at lower temperatures. The strength of the coupling depends on the value of the long-range order parameter that remains finite at that temperature. |
Note: | Reproducció digital del document publicat en format paper, proporcionada per PROLA i |
It is part of: | Physical Review A, 1990, vol. 41, núm. 4, p. 1885-1892. |
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ISSN: | 1050-2947 |
Appears in Collections: | Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica) |
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