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Title: Bias Effects Study in Open Clusters Parallaxes using Gaia
Author: Castellà Santos, Daniel
Director/Tutor: Jordi i Nebot, Carme
Keywords: Satèl·lits
Cúmuls d'estels
Treballs de fi de grau
Clusters of stars
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: Jan-2016
Abstract: This is a research study on how the open clusters parallax measurements can be affected by different biases using the precision of Gaia satellite. In order to carry on this project, NGC6705 and NGC2682 data has been used. As a result, there are some deviations between observed and true parallax when magnitude and = o cutoffs are applied from different observation distances.
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016, Tutora: Carme Jordi Nebot
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Física

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