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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Oct-2013Posterior regeneration in Isodiametra pulchra (Acoela, Acoelomorpha)Perea Atienza, Elena; Botta, Maria; Salvenmoser, Willi; Gschwentner, Robert; Egger, Bernhard; Kristof, Alen; Martínez Serra, Pedro; Achatz, Johannes Georg
21-Dec-2022Genome assembly of the acoel flatworm Symsagittifera roscoffensis, a model for research on body plan evolution and photosymbiosis.Martínez Serra, Pedro; Ustyantsev, Kirill; Biryukov. Mikhail; Mouton, Stijn; Glasenburg, Liza; Sprecher, Simon G.; Bailly, Xavier; Berezikov, Eugene
16-Oct-2012The nervous system of Isodiametra pulchra (Acoela) with a discussion on the neuroanatomy of the Xenacoelomorpha and its evolutionary implicationsAchatz, Johannes Georg; Martínez Serra, Pedro
15-Feb-2013The evolution of bilaterian body-plan: perspectives from the developmental genetics of the Acoela (Aeoelomorpha)Chiodin, Marta
23-Jul-2003Aproximació Evo-Devo a la base filogenètica dels bilaterals: Gens Hox i Parahox a acels i nemertodermàtidesJiménez Guri, Eva
24-Oct-2002Acels i nemertodermàtides: bilaterals basals o platihelmints?. Aproximació multigénica a l'origen dels metazous bilateralsRuiz Trillo, Iñaki
15-Feb-2015The nervous system of Xenacoelomorpha: a genomic perspectivePerea-Atienza, Elena; Gavilán, Brenda; Chiodin, Marta; Abril Ferrando, Josep Francesc, 1970-; Hoff, Katharina J.; Poustka, Albert J.; Martínez Serra, Pedro