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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
8-Nov-2021New insights into the Upper Palaeolithic of the Caucasus through the study of personal ornaments. Teeth and bones pendants from Satsurblia and Dzudzuana caves (Imereti, Georgia)Tejero, José Miguel; Bar-Oz, Guy; Bar-Yosef, Ofer; Meshveliani, Tengiz; Jakeli, Nino; Matskevich, Zinovi; Pinhasi, Ron; Belfer-Cohen, Anna
1991Un Joiell d'argent egiptitzant del Puig de la Nau de Benicarló (El Baix Maestrat)Padró i Parcerisa, Josep, 1946-
13-May-2019Los dones de Rea: Utilización de gemas en la Antigua GreciaAlmirall Arnal, Elena, 1967-