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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Prospect theory and tax evasion: A reconsideration of the Yitzhaki puzzle [WP]Piolatto, Amedeo; Rablen, Matthew D.
Apr-2017Prospect theory and tax evasion: a reconsideration of the Yitzhaki puzzlePiolatto, Amedeo; Rablen, Matthew D.
Oct-2012La feminizacion de las profesiones : The feminization of professionsRodríguez Ávila, Núria; Monllau, Teresa
Feb-2021Auditor-provided tax services and tax avoidance: evidence from SpainGarcía Blandón, Josep; Argilés Bosch, Josep M.; Ravenda, Diego; Castillo Merino, David
16-Jan-2024Transparència i obligacions econòmiques, comptables i fiscals de les entitats culturals no lucratives a CatalunyaCinelli Pina, Cristina