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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2018Reflexions sobre les potencialitats i els límits del Big DataPereira Rueda, Laura
14-Sep-2020Disseny d’un Cloud Service per a l’eina OpenNACSala Fernández, Adrià
2018A Dynamic and Adaptable Service Composition Architecture in the Cloud Based on Multi-Agent SystemsMerizig, Abdelhak; Kazar, Okba; López Sánchez, Maite
22-Jun-2017Implementación de una plataforma experimental para el modelado y análisis de datos del IoT en el borde de la redZamora Ibarra, Antonio
Jul-2018Machine learning mediante Microsoft Azure: una aplicación sobre real-stateMontoya Guirado, Daniel
Nov-2019Gastronomia computacional (Seminaris de Recerca 2019)Bidon-Chanal Badia, Axel; Vila Rigat, Marta
16-Jan-2015CoreOs per a aplicacions robustes i escalablesPuigdomènech Poch, Miquel
19-Feb-2020Towards a European health research and innovation cloud (HRIC)Aarestrup, Frank M.; Albeyatti, Abdullah; Armitage, W. John; Auffray, Charles; Augello, Luca; Balling, Rudi; Benhabiles, Nora; Bertolini, Guido; Bjaalie, Jan G.; Black, Michaela; Blomberg, Niklas; Bogaert, Petronille; Bubak, Marian; Claerhout, Barbara; Clarke, Laura; De Meulder, Bertrand; D'Errico, Gianni; Di Meglio, Alberto; Forgo, Nikolaus; Gans-Combe, Caroline; Gray, Alexander Edward; Gut, Ivo; Gyllenberg, Alexandra; Hemmrich-Stanisak, Georg; Hjorth, Lars; Ioannidis, Yannis; Jarmalaite, Sonata; Kel, Alexander; Kherif, Ferath; Korbel, Jan O.; Larue, Catherine; Laszlo, M.; Maas, Andrew; Magalhaes, Luis; Manneh-Vangramberen, Isabelle; Morley-Fletcher, Edwin; Ohmann, Christian; Oksvold, Per; Oxtoby, Neil P.; Perseil, Isabelle; Pezoulas, Vasileios; Riess, Olaf; Riper, Heleen; Roca Torrent, Josep; Rosenstiel, Philip; Sabatier, Philippe; Sanz, Ferran; Tayeb, Monir; Thomassen, Gard; Van Bussel, Johann C.H.; Van den Bulcke, Marc; Van Oyen, Herman
1-Sep-2021Artificial Intelligence-Enabled ECG Algorithm Based on Improved Residual Network for Wearable ECGLi, Hongqiang; An, Zhixuan; Zuo, Shasha; Zhu, Wei; Zhang, Zhen; Zhang, Shanshan; Zhang, Cheng; Song, Wenchao; Mao, Quanhua; Mu, Yuxin; Li, Enbang; Prades García, Juan Daniel
27-Jun-2019Implementación de Amazon Web Services para anális de videoPérez Martínez, Rubén