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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2018Geometrical model for martensitic phase transitions: study of the effective dipole-dipole correlation between neighbor domainsGiralt Ibañez, Joan
22-Nov-2002Large Scale Excitations in Disordered SystemsSales i Pardo, Marta
1999Modeling premartensitic effects in Ni2MnGa: A mean-field and Monte Carlo simulation studyCastán i Vidal, Maria Teresa; Vives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard; Lindgård, Per-Anker
7-Dec-2022How graphenic are graphynes? Evidence for low-lying correlated gapped states in graphynesLleopart, Genís; Lopez Suarez, Miquel; De P.R. Moreira, Ibério; Bromley, Stefan Thomas