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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Eutrophication and geochemistry drive pelagic calcite precipitation in lakesKhan, Hares; Laas, Alo; Marcé, Rafael; Sepp, Margot; Obrador Sala, Biel
29-May-2007Ter River influence on Sau Reservoir limnology. Empirical and watershed-scale modelingMarcé Romero, Rafael
29-Jun-2004Eutrofización y calidad del agua de una zona costera tropicalAranda Cirerol, Nancy
1989Surface-dependent strategies and energy flux in benthic marine communities or, why corals do not exist in the MediterraneanZabala i Limousin, Mikel; Ballesteros i Sagarra, Enric, 1958-
3-Oct-2013Presencia de Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid. (Araceae: Lemnoideae) en CataluñaGavira, O.N.; Bonada i Caparrós, Núria; Herrera Grao, T.
23-Dec-2021Effects of two submerged macrophyte species on microbes and metazoans in rooftop water-storage ponds with different labile carbon loadingsMaceda Veiga, Alberto; MacNally, Ralph; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara; Szabo, Sandor; Peeters, Edwin T.H.M.; Ruff, Thomas; Salvadó i Cabré, Humbert
6-Mar-2022Land Use Change to Reduce Freshwater Nitrogen and Phosphorus will Be Effective Even with Projected Climate ChangeWade, Andrew J.; Skeffington, Richard A.; Couture, Raoul-Marie; Erlandsson Lampa, Martin Erlandsson; Groot, Simon; Halliday, Sarah J; Harezlak, Valesca; Hejzlar, Josef; Jackson-Blake, Leah A.; Lepistö, Ahti; Papastergiadou, Eva; Riera, Joan Lluís; Rankinen, Katri; Shahgedanova, Maria; Trolle, Dennis; Whitehead, Paul G.; Psaltopoulos, Demetris; Skuras, Dimitris