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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Apr-2023Revisiting Rentierism through the Lens of Algerian GasMañé Estrada, Aurèlia; Albinyana, Roger
May-2019Volatility Spillovers in Energy MarketsChuliá Soler, Helena; Furió Ortega, María Dolores; Uribe Gil, Jorge Mario
1-Jun-2022Consequences of the Spanish-Algerian crises within the framework of the World gas' petrolisationMañé Estrada, Aurèlia
31-Mar-2023El Plan REPowerEU bajo el prisma de los fundamentos de la política energética europeaMañé Estrada, Aurèlia
1-Sep-2021Importance of the gas-phase error correction for O2 when using DFT to model the oxygen reduction and evolution reactionsSargeant, Elizabeth; Illas i Riera, Francesc; Rodríguez, Paramaconi; Calle Vallejo, Federico
2014Industrial emissions abatement: Untangling the impact of the EU ETS and the economic crisisBel i Queralt, Germà, 1963-; Joseph, Stephan Emanuel
2018La transición de la industria del gas de carbón al gas natural: dos modelos, España y CataluñaFernández Paradas, Mercedes; Sudrià, Carles, 1953-
26-May-2020A Semiempirical Method to Detect and Correct DFT-Based Gas-Phase Errors and Its Application in ElectrocatalysisGranda Marulanda, Laura P.; Rendón Calle, Alejandra; Builes, Santiago; Illas i Riera, Francesc; Koper, Marc T. M.; Calle Vallejo, Federico