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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Oct-2015Hydraulic Fracture and Toughening of a Brittle Layer Bonded to a HydrogelLucantonio, Alessandro; Noselli, Giovanni; Trepat Guixer, Xavier; DeSimone, Antonio; Arroyo, Marino
21-Aug-2015Transport efficiency and dynamics of hydraulic fracture networksSachau, Till; Bons, Paul D.; Gómez Rivas, Enrique
20-Dec-2022A review of natural hydrofractures in rocksBons, Paul D.; Cao, Dongsheng; de Riese, Tamara; González-Esvertit, Eloi; Koehn, Daniel; Naaman, Isaac; Sachau, Till; Tian, He; Gómez Rivas, Enrique