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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Sep-2017Working on a Standard Joint Unit: A pilot testCasajuana Kögel, Cristina; López Pelayo, Hugo; Balcells, María Mercedes; Miquel de Montagut, Laia; Teixidó López, Lídia; Colom, Joan (Colom Farran); Gual, Antoni
2021Colorado Amendment 64: Examining The spillover effect of recreational Marijuana retail on labor productivityLi Wu, Jaime
19-Aug-2021Identification of the Ghrelin and Cannabinoid CB2 Receptor Heteromer Functionality and Marked Upregulation in Striatal Neurons from Offspring of Mice under a High-Fat DietLillo, Jaume; Lillo, Alejandro; Zafra, David A.; Miralpeix, Cristina; Rivas‐Santisteban, Rafael; Casals i Farré, Núria; Navarro Brugal, Gemma; Franco Fernández, Rafael
1-Jan-2015Cannabis-based medicine reduces multiple pathological processes in AβPP/PS1 miceAso Pérez, Ester; Sànchez, Àlex (Sànchez Pla); Vegas Lozano, Esteban; Maldonado, Rafael, 1961-; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
19-Sep-2024Patterns of use and withdrawal syndrome in dual cannabis and tobacco users (DuCATA_GAM-CAT): mixed-methods study protocolVilaplana, Jordi; Saura, Judith; Feliu, Ariadna; Enríquez-Mestre, Marta; Fu, Marcela; Ballbè i Gibernau, Montse; Castellano, Yolanda; Pla, Margarida; Rosa, Nathalia; Radeva, Petia; Maestre-González, Elena; Cabezas Peña, Carmen; Colom, Joan; Suelves, Josep Maria; Mondon, Silvia; Barrio Giménez, Pablo; Andreu, Magali; Raich, Antònia; Bernabeu, Jordi; Roca Tutusaus, Xavier; Guydish, Joseph; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Martínez, Cristina
1-Jan-2024Characterization and evaluation of nine Cannabis sativa chloroplast SNP markers for crop type determination and biogeographical origin on European samplesDi Nunzio, Michele; Barrot i Feixat, Carme; Gangitano, David