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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on CoNi electrodeposited materialsTarrús, X.; Montiel Argaiz, Manuel; Vallés Giménez, Elisa; Gómez, Elvira
22-Feb-2022Determination of the aqueous pKa of very insoluble drugs by capillary electrophoresis: Internal standards for methanol-water extrapolationAlbishri, Abdulkarim; Cabot, Joan M.; Fuguet i Jordà, Elisabet; Rosés Pascual, Martí
3-May-2022Solute-solvent interactions in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography: characterization of the retention in a silica column by the Abraham linear dree energy relationship modelCortés Valle, Sílvia; Subirats i Vila, Xavier; Rosés Pascual, Martí
Feb-2022Methanol synthesis by CO2 hydrogenation using reactive distillationMeco Morales, Eric
1982Acción del ortoformiato de trimetilo sobre algunos acetatos metálicosCalpena Campmany, Ana Cristina
15-May-2023Methanol fixation is the method of choice for droplet-based single-cell transcriptomics of neural cellsGutiérrez Franco, Ana; Ake, Franz; Hassan, Mohamed N.; Chaves Cayuela, Natalie; Mularoni, Loris; Plass, Mireya
Jun-2017Synthesis and stability of Pt3Co and Pt0.7≤X≤1Co films voltammetrically activated in acidic medium for methanol fuel cell applicationVilana i Balastegui, Joan; Montiel Argaiz, Manuel; Gimeno, Núria; Gómez, Elvira; Vallés Giménez, Elisa
6-Jul-2015Facile electrochemical synthesis, using microemulsions with ionic liquid, of highly mesoporous CoPt nanorods with enhanced electrocatalytic performance for clean energySerrà i Ramos, Albert; Gómez, Elvira; Vallés Giménez, Elisa
23-Jul-2020Electrodeposition of mesoporous Ni-rich Ni-Pt films for highly efficient methanol oxidationArtal López, Raúl; Serrà i Ramos, Albert; Michler, Johann; Philippe, Laetitia; Gómez, Elvira
16-Dec-2023Catalytic behaviour of transition metal carbides of group 5 in the methanol steam reformingPajares, Arturo; Ramírez de la Piscina, Pilar; Homs Martí, Narcís