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Results 1-10 of 16 (Search time: 0.025 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Feb-2020Highly reduced ecotoxicity of ZnO-based micro/nanostructures on aquatic biota: Influence of architecture, chemical composition, fixation, and photocatalytic efficiencySerrà i Ramos, Albert; Zhang, Yue; Sepúlveda, Borja; Gómez, Elvira; Nogués, Josep; Michler, Johann; Philippe, Laetitia
30-Jan-2020Circular zero-residue process using microalgae for efficient water decontamination, biofuel production, and carbon dioxide fixationSerrà i Ramos, Albert; Artal López, Raúl; Garcia Amorós, Jaume; Gómez, Elvira; Philippe, Laetitia
25-Jan-2021Performance of Chlorella Vulgaris Exposed to Heavy Metal Mixtures: Linking Measured Endpoints and MechanismsExpósito, Nora; Carafa , Roberta; Kumar, Vikas; Sierra, J. (Jordi); Schuhmacher, Marta; Giménez Papiol, Gemma
Jun-2023Les microalgues com alternativa de futur en l'alimentacióMas Franco, Paula
1-Jun-2016Settling velocity distribution of microalgal biomass from urban wastewater high rate algal pondsGutiérrez, Raquel; Ferrer, Ivet; Uggetti, Enrica; Arnabat, Carme; Salvadó i Cabré, Humbert; García, Joan
21-Aug-2018Strategies to optimize microalgae conversion to biogas: co-digestion, pretreatment and hydraulic retention timeSolé-Bundó, Maria; Salvadó i Cabré, Humbert; Passos, Fabiana; Garfí, Marianna; Ferrer, Ivet
9-Feb-2020Efficient magnetic hybrid ZnO-based photocatalysts for visible-light-driven removal of toxic cyanobacteria blooms and cyanotoxinsSerrà i Ramos, Albert; Pip, Petai; Gómez, Elvira; Philippe, Laetitia
24-Jan-2023Characterization of microalgae growth and the relation with its environmentSánchez Julià, Elena
9-Feb-2021Edible microalgae and their bioactive compounds in the prevention and treatment of metabolic alterationsRamos Romero, Sara; Torrella Guio, Joan Ramon; Pagés, Teresa; Viscor Carrasco, Ginés; Torres Simón, Josep Lluís
Sep-2020Anaerobic co-digestion effluent as substrate for chlorella vulgaris and scenedesmus obliquus cultivationScarponi, Paolina; Bonetto, Alessandro; Bolzonella, David; Astals Garcia, Sergi; Cavinato, Cristina