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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2019Comparing the accuracy and neuroanatomical correlates of the UPSIT-40 and the Sniffin' Sticks test in REM sleep behavior disorderCampabadal, Anna; Segura i Fàbregas, Bàrbara; Junqué i Plaja, Carme, 1955-; Serradell, Mónica; Abós, Alexandra; Uribe, Carme; Baggio, Hugo César; Gaig Ventura, Carles; Santamaria Cano, Joan; Bargalló Alabart, Núria​; Iranzo, Alex
25-Aug-2015Apoptotic markers in cultured fibroblasts correlate with brain metabolites and regional brain volume in antipsychotic-naïve first-episode schizophrenia and healthy controlsBatalla Cases, Albert; Bargalló Alabart, Núria​; Gassó Astorga, Patricia; Molina, O.; Pareto Onghena, Deborah; Mas Herrero, Sergi; Roca, J. M.; Bernardo Arroyo, Miquel; Lafuente, Amàlia, 1952-2022; Parellada Rodón, Eduard
2009Functional neuroanatomy of contextual acquisition of concrete and abstract wordsMestres Missé, Anna; Münte, Thomas F.; Rodríguez Fornells, Antoni
18-Sep-2015Genoarquitectura del sistema nervioso durante el desarrollo embrionario del anfioxo: implicaciones evolutivas para el origen del cerebro de vertebradosAlbuixech Crespo, Beatriz
2010Contributions to the functional neuroanatomy of morphosyntactic processing in L2Diego Balaguer, Ruth de; Rodríguez Fornells, Antoni
15-Nov-2007Neural correlates of word learning and meaning acquisitionMestres Missé, Anna
10-Dec-2010The vegetative and the minimally conscious state: brain function, connectivity and structural abnormalitiesFernández Espejo, Davinia
17-Sep-2009Patterns of cerebral gray and white matter alterations in preterm subjects by magnetic resonance imagingSoria Pastor, Sara
21-Jan-2022Mechanisms linking obesity and its metabolic comorbidities with cerebral grey and white matter changesGarcía-García, Isabel; Michaud, Andréanne; Jurado, Ma. Ángeles (María Ángeles); Dagher, Alain; Morys, Filip
5-Jul-2022Comparing human and chimpanzee temporal lobe neuroanatomy reveals modifications to human language hubs beyond the frontotemporal arcuate fasciculusSierpowska, Joanna; Bryant, Katherine L.; Janssen, Nikki; Blazquez Freches, Guilherme; Römkens, Manon; Mangnus, Margot; Mars, Rogier B.; Piai, Vitória