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Results 1-10 of 34 (Search time: 0.045 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Dec-2022Advancing cancer precision medicine through cell-based functional assays and microfluidics. Finding the needle in a haystack to improve pediatric leukemia treatmentManzano Muñoz, Albert
24-Jul-2020Design and synthesis of heterocyclic compounds potentially antitumor by enzymatic inhibitionLizano Gispert, Enric
26-Apr-2022Methods for Stratification and Validation Cohorts: A Scoping ReviewTorres Moral, Teresa; Sánchez Niubò, Albert; Monistrol-Mula, Anna; Gerardi, Chiara; Banzi, Rita; Garcia, Paula; Demotes-Mainard, Jacques; Haro Abad, Josep Maria
1-Jan-2019Individualization process of the standardized care plan in acute care hospitalization units: study protocolCastellà Creus, Mònica; Delgado-Hito, Pilar; Andrés, Isabel; Juvé Udina, Eulàlia
2-Oct-2018Piloting the implementation of genome-phenome analysis tools for Personalised Medicine (Seminaris Tecnològics 2018)Beltran i Agulló, Sergi
13-Jul-2018A Systems Medicine approach to multimorbidity. Towards personalised care for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseTényi, Ákos
15-Feb-2015Personalized Respiratory Medicine: Exploring the Horizon, Addressing the Issues. Summary of a BRN-AJRCCM Workshop Held in Barcelona on June 12, 2014.Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Antó i Boqué, Josep Maria; Auffray, Charles; Barbé, Ferran; Barreiro, Esther; Dorca i Sargatal, Jordi; Escarrabill Sanglas, Joan; Faner, Rosa; Furlong, Laura I.; García Aymerich, Judith; Gea Guiral, Joaquim; Lindmark, Bertil; Monsó, Eduard; Plaza, Vicente; Puhan, Milo A.; Roca Torrent, Josep; Ruiz Manzano, Juan; Sampietro-Colom, Laura; Sanz, Ferran; Serrano, Luis; Sharpe, James; Sibila Vidal, Oriol; Silverman, Edwin K.; Sterk, Peter J.; Sznajder, Jacob I.
7-Jun-2016Smart biosensors for multiplexed and fully integrated point-of-care diagnosticsRomeo, Agostino; Leung, T. S.; Sánchez Ordóñez, Samuel
8-Jun-2021Comprehensive identification and characterisation of germline structural variation within the Iberian populationValls Margarit, Jordi
19-Feb-2022Using a 31-Gene Expression Profile Test to Stratify Patients with Stage I-II Cutaneous Melanoma According to Recurrence Risk: Update to a Prospective, Multicenter StudyPodlipnik, Sebastian; Boada, Aram; López Estebaranz, José Luis; Martín González, Manuel M.; Redondo, Pedro; Martin, Brian; Quick, Ann P.; Bailey, Christine N.; Kurley, Sarah J.; Cook, Robert W.; Puig i Sardà, Susana