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Results 1-10 of 84 (Search time: 0.035 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Aug-2022Combining confocal microscopy, dSTORM, and mass spectroscopy to unveil the evolution of the protein corona associated with nanostructured lipid carriers during blood-brain barrier crossingBattaglini, Matteo; Feiner Gracia, Natalia; Tapeinos, Christos; Pasquale, Daniele de; Pucci, Carlotta; Marino, Attilio; Bartolucci, Martina; Petretto, Andrea; Albertazzi, Lorenzo; Ciofani, Gianni
2-Dec-2016Identification of a risk transcriptome and proteome in Parkinson’s disease, Dementia with Lewy bodies and rapidly progressive Dementia with Lewy bodiesGarcia Esparcia, Paula
2-Nov-2017Exosomes and metabolic functionin mice exposed to alternating dark-light cycles mimicking night shift work schedulesKhalyfa, Abdelnaby; Poroyko, Valeriy A.; Qiao, Zhuanhong; Gileles-Hillel, Alex; Khalyfa, Ahamed A.; Akbarpour, Mahzad; Almendros López, Isaac; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Gozal, David
15-Nov-2012Human sperm tail proteome suggests new endogenous metabolic pathwaysAmaral, Alexandra; Castillo Corullón, Judit; Estanyol i Ullate, Josep Maria; Ballescà, Josep Lluís; Ramalho-Santos, João; Oliva Virgili, Rafael
Jan-2011Proteomics and the genetics of sperm chromatin condensationOliva Virgili, Rafael; Castillo Corullón, Judit
15-Dec-2022Proteomic profiling reveals mitochondrial dysfunction in the cerebellum of transgenic mice overexpressing DYRK1A, a Down syndrome candidate geneOrtega, Mireia; Toma, Ilario de; Fernández Blanco, Álvaro; Calderón, Anna; Barahona, Lucía; Trullàs, Ramón; Sabidó, Eduard; Dierssen, Mara
1-Nov-2020Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Is Accompanied by Protein Derangements in the Olfactory Bulb-Tract AxisLachén Montes, Mercedes; Mendizuri, Naroa; Ausin, Karina; Andrés Benito, Pol; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
1-Jul-2021POMAShiny: A user-friendly web-based workflow for metabolomics and proteomics data analysisCastellano-Escuder, Pol; González-Domínguez, Raul; Carmona Pontaque, Francesc; Andrés Lacueva, Ma. Cristina; Sànchez, Àlex (Sànchez Pla)
26-Mar-2021Development of crystallographic methods for phasing highly modulated macromolecular structuresCaballero Muñoz, Iracema
19-May-2022The Role of Testosterone in Spermatogenesis: lessons from proteome profiling of human spermatozoa in testosterone deficiencyGrande, Giuseppe; Barrachina, Ferran; Soler Ventura, Ada; Jodar Bifet, Meritxell; Mancini, Francesca; Marana, Riccardo; Chiloiro, Sabrina; Pontecorvi, Alfredo; Oliva Virgili, Rafael; Milardi, Domenico