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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2022Stromal vascular fraction therapy for knee osteoarthritis: a systematic reviewBoada Pladellorens, Anna; Avellanet, Mercè; Pages Bolibar, Esther; Veiga, Anna
12-Dec-2022Microphysiological Systems for the Evaluation of Biomaterials in Regenerative TherapiesLópez Canosa, Adrián
16-Sep-2019The Application of Statins in the Regeneration of Bone Defects. Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisRoca Millan, Elisabet; González Navarro, Beatriz; Izquierdo-Gómez, Keila; Marí Roig, Antonio; Jané Salas, Enric; López López, José, 1958-; Velasco Ortega, Eugenio
9-Mar-2022Müller glia fused with adult stem cells undergo neural differentiation in human retinal modelsBonilla Pons, Sergi Àngel; Nakagawa, Shoma; Garreta, Elena; Fernández Blanco, Álvaro; Pesaresi, Martina; Antin, Justin Christopher d'; Sebastian Perez, Ruben; Greco, Daniela; Domínguez Sala, Eduardo; Gómez Riera, Raúl; Barraquer Compte, Rafael Igancio; Dierssen, Mara; Montserrat Pulido, Núria; Cosma, Maria Pia
18-Feb-2019Fine tuning the extracellular environment accelerates the derivation of kidney organoids from human pluripotent stem cellsGarreta, Elena; Prado, Patricia; Tarantino, Carolina; Oria, Roger; Fanlo, Lucía; Martí, Elisa; Zalvidea, Dobryna; Trepat Guixer, Xavier; Roca-Cusachs Soulere, Pere; Gavaldà i Navarro, Aleix; Cozzuto, Luca; Campistol Plana, Josep M.; Izpisúa Belmonte, Juan Carlos; Hurtado del Pozo, Carmen; Montserrat, Núria
9-Jul-2018Desenvolupament de noves estratègies per generar cèl·lules productores d'insulinaFontcuberta Pi-Sunyer, Marta
1-Sep-2021Hydrothermal processing of 3D-printed calcium phosphate scaffolds enhances bone formation in vivo: a comparison with biomimetic treatmentRaymond, Yago; Bonany, Mar; Lehmann, Cyril; Thorel, Emilie; Benítez, Raúl; Franch, Jordi; Espanol, Montserrat; Solé Martí, Xavi; Manzanares, María Cristina; Canal, Cristina; Ginebra, Maria Pau
28-Aug-2019A novel and simple formula to predict liver mass in porcine experimental models.Martínez de la Maza, Lilia; Prado, Verónica; Hessheimer, Amelia Judith; Muñoz, Javier; García-Valdecasas Salgado, Juan Carlos; Fondevila Campo, Constantino
13-Jul-2015Potential of adipose-derived stem cells in muscular regenerative therapiesForcales Fernàndez, Sonia-Vanina
3-May-2022Pancreatic Organoids for Regenerative Medicine and Cancer ResearchCasamitjana, Joan; Espinet, Elisa; Rovira, Meritxell