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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Jun-2022Estudi del comportament hídric i grau d’eficàcia dels productes hidrofugants aplicats sobre revestiments de calç en edificis històricsGarcia Vilà, Maria Isabel
Jan-2016Novel biocompatible microgels for functional food, obtained in water-in-water emulsions.Miquel Espigulé, Cristina
4-May-2015Communication: Tolman length and rigidity constants of water and their role in nucleationWilhelmsen, Øivind; Bedeaux, Dick; Reguera, D. (David)
25-Oct-2012Biotensioactivos producidos por "Sphingobacterium detergens" sp. nov.: Producción, caracterización y propiedadesBurgos Díaz, César
15-Nov-2002Interface Dynamics in Two-dimensional Viscous Flows.Pauné i Xuriguera, Eduard
21-Nov-2018Self-bound ultradilute Bose mixtures within local density approximationAncilotto, Francesco; Barranco Gómez, Manuel; Guilleumas, Montserrat; Pi Pericay, Martí
2022Dynamical shapes of droplets of cyclodextrin/surfactants solutionsRomero-Arias, José; Luviano, Alberto S.; Costas, Miguel; Hernández Machado, Aurora; Barrio, Rafael A.