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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Dec-2011Some remarks on the abundance of stable periodic orbits inside homoclinic lobesSimó, Carles.; Vieiro Yanes, Arturo
2-Aug-2018Interpolating vector fields for near indentity maps and averagingGelfreich, V.; Vieiro Yanes, Arturo
28-Jun-2017Exploring the error threshold through a Poincaré compactificationColomer Armenteros, Raquel
30-Jun-2015Estudi de la dinàmica de models de reacció-difusióMatías Vejer, Sara
1984Lee HWA Chung theorem for presympectic manifolds. Canonical transformations for constrained systemsGomis Torné, Joaquim; Llosa, Josep; Román-Roy, Narciso
1985Canonical transformations theory for presymplectic systemsCariñena, J. F.; Gomis Torné, Joaquim; Ibort, L. A.; Román-Roy, Narciso
2010On the coincidence between the Shimomura's bargaining sets and the coreIzquierdo Aznar, Josep Maria; Rafels, Carles
1984Killing vector fields and holonomy algebrasCurrás Bosch, Carlos
Jun-2023Mesoscale Building Blocks of Pedestrian Mobility: a Discrete Vector Field ApproachBenassai Dalmau, Robert
13-Jun-2023Estudi de camps vectorials polinomials mitjançant la compactificació de PoincaréHernández Antón, Sergio