Browsing by Author Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard

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Showing results 5 to 24 of 28 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Dec-2001Caracterització molecular i evolutiva de la família de les alcohol deshidrogenases de cadena mitjana als cordats.Cañestro García, Cristian
17-Nov-2021Cardiopharyngeal deconstruction and ancestral tunicate sessilityFerrández-Roldán, Alfonso; Fabregà-Torrus, Marc; Sánchez-Serna, Gaspar; Duran-Bello, Enya; Joaquín-Lluís, Martí; Bujosa, Paula; Plana-Carmona, Marcos; Garcia Fernández, Jordi; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Cañestro García, Cristian
30-May-2016Co-elimination and survival in gene network evolution: dismantling the RA-signaling in a chordateMartí-Solans, Josep; Belyaeva, Olga V.; Torres Águila, Nuria Paz; Kedishvili, Natalia Y.; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Cañestro García, Cristian
15-Apr-2019Developmental atlas of appendicularian Oikopleura dioica actins provides new insights into the evolution of the notochord and the cardio-paraxial muscle in chordates.Almazán, Alba; Ferrández-Roldán, Alfonso; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Cañestro García, Cristian
24-Aug-2018Diatom bloom-derived biotoxins cause aberrant development and gene expression in the appendicularian chordate Oikopleura dioica.Torres Águila, Nuria Paz; Martí Solans, Josep; Ferrández-Roldán, Alfonso; Almazán, Alba; Roncalli, Vittoria; D'Aniello, Salvatore; Romano, Giovanna; Palumbo, Anna; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Cañestro García, Cristian
7-Mar-2007Elements transposables de tipus non-LTR als ascidis, amfioxs i àgnatsPermanyer i Ugartemendia, Jon
18-Apr-2016Evolution by gene lossAlbalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Cañestro García, Cristian
9-Jun-2021Massive Gene Loss and Function Shuffling in Appendicularians Stretch the Boundaries of Chordate Wnt Family EvolutionMartí-Solans, Josep; Godoy-Marín, Hector; Diaz-Gracia, Miriam; Onuma, Takeshi A.; Nishida, Hiroki; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Cañestro García, Cristian
4-Dec-2021Metal-Specificity Divergence between Metallothioneins of Nerita peloronta (Neritimorpha, Gastropoda) Sets the Starting Point for a Novel Chemical MT Classification ProposalGarcía-Risco, Mario; Calatayud, Sara; Pedrini-Martha, Veronika; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Dallinger, Reinhard; Palacios, Òscar; Capdevila Vidal, Mercè
10-Mar-2020Metallomics reveals a persisting impact of cadmium on the evolution of metal-selective snail metallothioneinsDallinger, Reinhard; Zerbe, Oliver; Baumann, Christian; Egger, Bernhard; Capdevila, Mercè; Palacios, Òscar; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Calatayud, Sara; Ladurner, Peter; Schlick-Steiner, Birgit C.; Steiner, Florian M.; Pedrini-Martha, Veronika; Lackner, Reinhard; Lindner, Herbert; Dvorak, Martin; Niederwanger, Michael; Schnegg, Raimund; Atrian i Ventura, Sílvia
28-Sep-2018Metallothioneins of the urochordate Oikopleura dioica have Cys-rich tandem repeats, large size and cadmium-binding preferenceCalatayud, Sara; Garcia Risco, Mario; Rojas, Natalia S.; Espinosa Sánchez, Lizethe; Artime, Sebastián; Palacios Bonilla, Òscar; Cañestro García, Cristian; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard
2-Jul-2021Modular Evolution and Population Variability of Oikopleura dioica MetallothioneinsCalatayud, Sara; Garcia-Risco, Mario; Capdevila Vidal, Mercè; Cañestro García, Cristian; Palacios, Òscar; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard
20-Nov-2021Modular evolution of domain repeat proteins. Metal-binding and domain repeats of Metallothioneins in molluscs and chordatesCalatayud Robert, Sara
2020Modularity in protein evolution: modular organization and de novo domain evolution in mollusc metallothioneinCalatayud, Sara; Garcia-Risco, Mario; Pedrini-Martha, Veronika; Eernisse, Douglas J.; Dallinger, Reinhard; Palacios, Òscar; Capdevila Vidal, Mercè; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard
2003The non-LTR retrotransposons in Ciona intestinalis: new insights into the evolution of chordate genomesPermanyer i Ugartemendia, Jon; Gonzàlez-Duarte, Roser; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard
7-Sep-2018Oikopleura dioica com a model animal per investigar l'impacte de les pèrdues gèniques en l'Evo-Devo: les vies de senyalització de l'àcid retinoic i Wnt com a cas d'estudiMartí Solans, Josep
10-Oct-2019Oikopleura dioica: An Emergent Chordate Model to Study the Impact of Gene Loss on the Evolution of the Mechanisms of Development.Ferrández-Roldán, Alfonso; Martí-Solans, Josep; Cañestro García, Cristian; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard
20-Nov-2007Paper del receptor CD40 en l'activació de les cèl·lules endotelials. Rellevància de la interacció CD40-CD40L en processos immunoinflamatoris.Pluvinet Ortega, Raquel
21-Feb-2018The ancestral retinoic acid receptor was a low-affinity sensor triggering neuronal differentiation.Handberg-Thorsager, Mette; Gutierrez-Mazariegos, Juliana; Arold, Stefan T.; Kumar Nadendla, Eswar; Bertucci, Paola Y.; Germain, Pierre; Tomançak, Pavel; Pierzchalski, Keely; Jones, Jace W.; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; Kane, Maureen A.; Bourguet, William; Laudet, Vincent; Arendt, Detlev; Schubert, Michael
Oct-2019The evolutionary landscape of the Rab family in chordatesCoppola, Ugo; Ristoratore, Filomena; Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard; D'Aniello, Salvatore