Browsing by Author Almendros López, Isaac

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 49 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Jul-2020ERS International Congress, Madrid, 2019: highlights from the Sleep and Clinical Physiology AssemblyCrespo, Andrea; Baillieul, Sebastien; Marhuenda, Esther; Bradicich, Matteo; Andrianopoulos, Vasileios; Zafeiris, Louvaris; Marillier, Mathieu; Almendros López, Isaac
2-Nov-2017Exosomes and metabolic functionin mice exposed to alternating dark-light cycles mimicking night shift work schedulesKhalyfa, Abdelnaby; Poroyko, Valeriy A.; Qiao, Zhuanhong; Gileles-Hillel, Alex; Khalyfa, Ahamed A.; Akbarpour, Mahzad; Almendros López, Isaac; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Gozal, David
20-Nov-2022Experimental Models to Study End-Organ Morbidity in Sleep Apnea: Lessons Learned and Future Directions.Farré Ventura, Ramon; Almendros López, Isaac; Martínez García, Miguel Ángel; Gozal, David
13-Dec-2018Gas partial pressure in cultured cells: patho-physiological importance and methodological approachesFarré Ventura, Ramon; Almendros López, Isaac; Montserrat Canal, José Ma.; Gozal, David; Navajas Navarro, Daniel
30-Jun-2016Heterotypic paracrine signaling drives fibroblast senescence and tumor progression of large cell carcinoma of the lungLugo, Roberto; Gabasa Ferràndez, Marta; Andriani, Francesca; Puig, Marta; Facchinetti, Federica; Ramírez Ruz, J. (José); Gómez Caro, Abel; Pastorino, Ugo; Fuster Orellana, Gemma; Almendros López, Isaac; Gascón, Pere; Dávalos, Albert; Reguart, Noemí; Roz, Luca; Alcaraz Casademunt, Jordi
8-Jun-2022hLMSC Secretome Affects Macrophage Activity Differentially Depending on Lung-Mimetic EnvironmentsFalcones, Bryan; Söderlund, Zackarias; Ibáñez Fonseca, Arturo; Almendros López, Isaac; Otero Díaz, Jorge; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Rolandsson Enes, Sara; Elowsson Rendin, Linda; Westergren-Thorsson, Gunilla
1-Aug-2021Image-Based Method to Quantify Decellularization of Tissue SectionsNarciso, Maria; Otero Díaz, Jorge; Navajas Navarro, Daniel; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Almendros López, Isaac; Gavara i Casas, Núria
6-Feb-2008Inflamación de la vía aérea superior inducida por estímulos mecánicos en la apnea obstructiva del sueñoAlmendros López, Isaac
8-Jun-2017Intermittent hypoxia increases kidney tumor vascularization in a murine model of sleep apneaVilaseca, Antoni; Campillo, Noelia; Torres, Marta; Musquera i Felip, Mireia; Gozal, David; Montserrat Canal, José Ma.; Alcaraz Asensio, Antonio; Touijer, Karim A.; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Almendros López, Isaac
26-Apr-2018Intermittent hypoxia is associated with high hypoxia inducible factor-1α but not high vascular endothelial growth factor cell expression in tumors of cutaneous melanoma patientsAlmendros López, Isaac; Martínez García, Miguel Ángel; Campos Rodríguez, Francisco; Riveiro Falkenbach, Erica; Rodríguez Peralto, José Luis; Nagore, Eduardo; Martorell Calatayud, Antonio; Hernández Blasco, Luis; Bañuls Roca, Jose; Chiner Vives, Eusebi; Sánchez de la Torre, Alicia; Abad Capa, Jorge; Montserrat Canal, José Ma.; Pérez Gil, Amalia; Cabriada Nuño, Valentín; Cano Pumarega, Irene; Corral Peñafiel, Jaime; Diaz Cambriles, Trinidad; Mediano, Olga; Dalmau Arias, Joan; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Gozal, David
15-Aug-2018Intermittent hypoxia mimicking sleep apnea increases passive stiffness of myocardial extracellular matrix. A multiscale studyFarré, Núria; Otero Díaz, Jorge; Falcones, Bryan; Torres, Marta; Jorba, Ignasi; Gozal, David; Almendros López, Isaac; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Navajas Navarro, Daniel
6-Nov-2018Intermittent Hypoxia Severity in Animal Models of Sleep ApneaFarré Ventura, Ramon; Montserrat Canal, José Ma.; Gozal, David; Almendros López, Isaac; Navajas Navarro, Daniel
24-Mar-2021International Consensus Document on Obstructive Sleep ApneaMediano, Olga; González Mangado, Nicolàs; Montserrat, Josep M.; Alonso Álvarez, M. Luz; Almendros López, Isaac; Alonso Fernández, Alberto; Barbé, Ferran; Borsini, Eduardo; Caballero Eraso, Candelaria; Cano Pumarega, Irene; Carlos Villafranca, Felix de; Carmona Bernal, Carmen; Carrillo Alduenda, José Luís; Chiner, Eusebi; Cordero Guevara, José Aurelio; Manuel, Luís de; Durán Cantolla, Joaquín; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Franceschini, Carlos; Gaig Ventura, Carles; Garcia Ramos, Pedro; García Río, Francisco; Garmendia, Onintza; Gómez García, Teresa; González Pondal, Silvia; Hoyo Rodrigo, M. Blanca; Lecube, Albert; Madrid, Juan Antonio; Maniegas Lozano, Lourdes; Martínez Carrasco, José Luís; Masa, Juan Fernándo; Masdeu Margalef, María José; Mayos Pérez, Mercè; Mirabet Lis, Enrique; Monasterio, Carmen; Navarro Soriano, Nieves; Olea de la Fuente, Erika; Plaza, Guillermo; Puertas Cuesta, Francisco Javier; el Spanish Sleep Network
11-Aug-2020Intrahepatic Expression of Fatty Acid Translocase CD36 Is Increased in Obstructive Sleep ApneaRey, Esther; Pozo Maroto, Elvira del; Marañon, Patricia; Beeler, Brittany; García García, Yaiza; Landete, Pedro; Isaza, Stephania C.; Farré Ventura, Ramon; García Monzón, Carmelo; Almendros López, Isaac; González Rodríguez, Águeda
28-Apr-2022Lung Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels Enhance Preservation of Type II Phenotype in Primary Alveolar Epithelial CellsMarhuenda, Esther; Villarino, Alvaro; Narciso, Maria Leonor; Camprubí Rimblas, Marta; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Gavara i Casas, Núria; Artigas, Antonio; Almendros López, Isaac; Otero Díaz, Jorge
14-Nov-2022Lung Extracellular Matrix Hydrogels-Derived Vesicles Contribute to Epithelial Lung RepairUlldemolins, Anna; Jurado, Alicia; Herranz Diez, Carolina; Gavara i Casas, Núria; Otero Díaz, Jorge; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Almendros López, Isaac
13-May-2015Microarray-based analysis of plasma cirDNA epigenetic modification profiling in xenografted mice exposed to intermittent hypoxiaCortese, Rene; Almendros López, Isaac; Wang, Yang; Gozal, David
9-Mar-2022Novel Decellularization Method for Tissue SlicesNarciso, Maria; Ulldemolins, Anna; Júnior, Constança; Otero Díaz, Jorge; Navajas Navarro, Daniel; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Gavara i Casas, Núria; Almendros López, Isaac
23-Sep-2020Obesity attenuates the effect of sleep apnea on active TGF-ss 1 levels and tumor aggressiveness in patients with melanomaCubillos Zapata, Carolina; Martínez García, Miguel Ángel; Díaz García, Elena; Jaureguizar, Ana; Campos Rodríguez, Francisco; Sánchez de la Torre, Manuel; Nagore, Eduardo; Martorell Calatayud, Antonio; Hernández Blasco, Luis; Pastor, Esther; Abad Capa, Jorge; Montserrat Canal, José Ma.; Cabriada Nuño, Valentín; Cano Pumarega, Irene; Corral Peñafiel, Jaime; Arias, Eva; Mediano, Olga; Somoza González, María; Dalmau Arias, Joan; Almendros López, Isaac; Farré Ventura, Ramon; López Collazo, Eduardo; Gozal, David; Garcií Río, Francisco
1-Jan-2017Obstructive sleep apnea and Fuhrman grade in patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma treated surgicallyVilaseca, Antoni; Nguyen, Daniel P.; Vertosick, Emily A.; Corradi, Renato B.; Musquera i Felip, Mireia; Pérez, Meritxell; Fossati, Nicola; Sjoberg, Daniel D.; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Almendros López, Isaac; Montserrat Canal, José Ma.; Benfante, Nicole E.; Hakimi, A. Ari; Skanderup, Anders J.; Russo, Paul; Alcaraz Asensio, Antonio; Touijer, Karim A.