Browsing by Author Calafat Frau, Antoni

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Showing results 13 to 32 of 39 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Jan-2015Flujos de partículas y biodisponibilidad de la materia orgánica en ecosistemas profundos: el cañón submarino de BlanesLópez Fernández, Pilar
15-Jan-2010Flux and composition of settling particles across the continental margin of the Gulf of Lion: the role of dense shelf water cascadingPasqual Mas, Catalina; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; Zúñiga, Diana; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Durrieu de Madron, Xavier; Puig, Pere; Heussner, Serge; Palanques Monteys, Albert; Delsaut, N.
14-Jan-2005Fluxos biogeoquímics i balanç de carboni a la mar d'Alborán (Mediterrània Occidental)Sanchez-Vidal, Anna
Sep-2023Holocene humidity changes in southern Iberia inferred from the geochemical signature of marine sedimentsCatalà, Albert; Pena González, Leopoldo David; Garcia Solsona, Ester; Paredes, Eduardo; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Cacho Lascorz, Isabel
2012Impacts on the deep-sea ecosystem by a severe coastal stormSanchez-Vidal, Anna; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Lastras Membrive, Galderic; Pedrosa Pàmies, Rut; Menéndez, Melisa; Medina, Raúl; Company Claret, Joan Baptista; Hereu Fina, Bernat; Romero, Javier (Romero Martinengo); Alcoverro i Pedrola, Teresa
2004An introduction to Mediterranean deep-sea biologySardá Amills, Francisco; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Flexas, Maria del Mar; Tselepides, Anastasios; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Espino Infantes, Manuel; Tursi, Angelo
20-Aug-2013Landslides cause tsunami waves: insights from Aysén Fjord, ChileLastras Membrive, Galderic; Amblàs i Novellas, David; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Hermanns, Reginald L.; Lafuerza, Sara; Longva, Oddvar; Micallef, Aaron; Sepúlveda, Sergio A.; Vargas, Gabriel; De Batist, Marc; Van Daele, Maarten; Azpiroz, María; Bascuñán, Ignacio; Duhart, Paul; Iglesias Cerdeira, Olaia; Kempf, Philipp; Rayo Sarrias, Xavier
1988Los sedimentos de la plataforma continental balearAlonso, Belén (Alonso Martínez); Guillén, J.; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Serra Raventós, Jordi; Acosta, Juan, 1949-; Herranz, P.; Sanz, J. L. (José Luis); Calafat Frau, Antoni; Catafau Alcántara, Elena
25-Mar-2016Particle fluxes and their drivers in the Avilés submarine canyon and adjacent slope, central Cantabrian margin, Bay of BiscayRumín Caparrós, Aitor; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; González-Pola, C.; Lastras Membrive, Galderic; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Canals Artigas, Miquel
1-Apr-2022Particle fluxes in submarine canyons along a sediment-starved continental margin and in the adjacent open slope and basin in the SW Mediterranean SeaTarrés, Marta; Cerdà i Domènech, Marc; Pedrosa Pàmies, Rut; Rumín Caparrós, Aitor; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna
Sep-2015Particle sources and downward fluxes in the Eastern Fram Strait under the influence of the West Spitsbergen CurrentSanchez-Vidal, Anna; Veres, Oriol; Langone, Leonardo; Ferré, Benedicte; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Durrieu de Madron, Xavier; Heussner, Serge; Mienert, Jürgen; Grimalt Obrador, Joan; Pusceddu, Antonio; Danovaro, Roberto
13-Sep-2012Ploughing the deep sea floorPuig, Pere; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Company Claret, Joan Baptista; Martín, Jacobo; Amblàs i Novellas, David; Lastras Membrive, Galderic; Palanques Monteys, Albert; Calafat Frau, Antoni
13-Oct-2010Reexposure and advection of C-14-depleted organic carbon from old deposits at the upper continental slopeTesi, Tomaseo; Goñi, Miguel A.; Langone, Leonardo; Puig, Pere; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Nittrouer, Charles A.; Madron, Xavier Durrieu de; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Palanques Monteys, Albert; Heussner, Serge; Davies, Maureen H.; Drexler, Tina M.; Fabrés Francés, Joan; Miserocchi, Stefano
13-Sep-2017Resiliencia en sistemas dunares litorales altamente antropizados: la restauración del sistema dunar de la playa del Remolar (Viladecans, Barcelona)Calafat Frau, Antoni; Vírseda, Sara; Lovera Carrasco, Raúl; Lucena, Joan Ramon; Bladé Hernández, Carme; Rivero Marginedas, Lluís; Ninot i Sugrañes, Josep Maria
2013Sediment transport along the Cap de Creus Canyon flank during a mild, wet winterMartín, Jacobo; Durrieu de Madron, Xavier; Puig, Pere; Bourrin, F.; Palanques Monteys, Albert; Houpert, Loic; Higueras, M.; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Heussner, Serge; Delsaut, N.; Sotin, C.
Nov-2012Sediment transport to the deep canyons and open-slope of the western Gulf of Lions during the 2006 intense cascading and open-sea convection periodPalanques Monteys, Albert; Puig, Pere; Durrieu de Madron, Xavier; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; Pasqual Mas, Catalina; Martín, Jacobo; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Heussner, Serge; Canals Artigas, Miquel
2007Sediment undulations on the Llobregat prodelta: Signs of early slope instability or sedimentary bedforms?Urgeles Esclasans, Roger; De Mol, Ben; Liquete García, Camino; Canals Artigas, Miquel; De Batist, Marc; Hughes-Clarke, John E.; Amblàs i Novellas, David; Arnau, Pedro A.; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Casamor Bermúdez, José Luis; Centella, Víctor; De Rycker, Koen; Fabrés Francés, Joan; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Lafuerza, Sara; Lastras Membrive, Galderic; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; Zúñiga, Diana; Versteeg, Wim; Willmott Puig, Verónica
2010Settling particle fluxes across the continental margin of the Gulf of Lion: the role of dense shelf water cascadingPasqual Mas, Catalina; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; Zúñiga, Diana; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Durrieu de Madron, Xavier; Puig, Pere; Heussner, Serge; Palanques Monteys, Albert; Delsaut, N.
17-Jun-2021Sinking diatom assemblages as a key driver for deep carbon and silicon export in the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean)Zúñiga, Diana; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; Flexas, Maria del Mar; Carroll, D.; Rufino, M.; Spreen, G.; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Abrantes, F.
2007Slope instability along the northeastern Iberian and Balearic continental marginsLastras Membrive, Galderic; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Amblàs i Novellas, David; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Urgeles Esclasans, Roger; Calafat Frau, Antoni; Acosta, Juan, 1949-