Browsing by Author Ferré, Sergi

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 42 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Sep-2022Functional and pharmacological role of the dopamine D4 receptor and its polymorphic variantsFerré, Sergi; Belcher, Annabelle M.; Bonaventura, Jordi; Quiroz, César; Sánchez Soto, Marta; Casadó Anguera, Verònica; Ning Sheng, Cai; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Boateng, Comfort A.; Keck, Thomas M.; Floran, Benjamin; Earley, Christopher J.; Ciruela Alférez, Francisco; Casadó, Vicent; Rubinstein, Marcelo; Volkow, Nora D.
1-Feb-2017Functional μ-opioid-galanin receptor heteromers in the ventral tegmental areaMoreno Guillén, Estefanía; Quiroz, César; Rea, William; Cai, Ning-Sheng; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Casadó, Vicent; Ferré, Sergi
1-Feb-2021G protein-coupled receptor-effector macromolecular membrane assemblies (GEMMAs)Ferré, Sergi; Ciruela Alférez, Francisco; Dessauer, Carmen W.; González Maeso, Javier; Hébert, Terence E.; Jockers, Ralf; Logothetis, Diomedes E.; Pardo, Leonardo
Aug-2021Heteromerization between α2A adrenoceptors and different polymorphic variants of the dopamine D4 receptor determines pharmacological and functional differences. Implications for impulsive-control disorders.Casadó Anguera, Verònica; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Sánchez Soto, Marta; Ning Sheng, Cai; Bonaventura, Jordi; Homar-Ruano, Patricia; Rubinstein, Marcelo; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Ferré, Sergi; Casadó, Vicent
9-Oct-2009Interactions between calmodulin, adenosine A2A, and dopamine D2 receptorsNavarro Brugal, Gemma; Aymerich, María Soledad; Marcellino, Daniel; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Casadó, Vicent; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Agnati, Luigi F.; Woods, Amina S.; Fuxe, Kjell; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Lanciego, José Luis; Ferré, Sergi; Franco Fernández, Rafael
27-Aug-2010Interactions between intracellular domains as key determinants of the quaternary structure and function of receptor heteromersNavarro Brugal, Gemma; Ferré, Sergi; Cordomí, Arnau; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Casadó, Vicent; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Hoffmann, Hanne; Ortiz, Jordi; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Pardo, Leonardo; Franco Fernández, Rafael; Woods, Amina S.
9-Jun-2020Modulation of dopamine D1 receptors via histamine H3 receptors is a novel therapeutic target for Huntington's diseaseMoreno Delgado, David; Puigdellívol Cañadell, Maria del Mar; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Rodríguez Ruiz, Mar; Botta, Joaquín; Gasperini, Paola; Chiarlone, Anna; Howell, Lesley A.; Scarselli, Marco; Casadó, Vicent; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Ferré, Sergi; Guzmán, Manuel; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Alberch i Vié, Jordi, 1959-; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Ginés Padrós, Silvia; McCormick, Peter J.
9-Jun-2020Modulation of Dopamine D1 receptors via histamine H3 receptors is a novel therapeutic target for Huntington's diseaseMoreno-Delgado, David; Puigdellívol, Mar; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Rodríguez-Ruiz, Mar; Botta, Joaquín; Gasperini, Paola; Chiarlone, Anna; Howell, Lesley A.; Scarselli, Marco; Casadó, Vicent; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Ferré, Sergi; Guzmán, Manuel; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Alberch i Vié, Jordi, 1959-; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Ginés, Silvia; McCormick, Peter J.
16-Jan-2017Noncanonical Neurotransmitter Activation of Catecholamine ReceptorsSánchez Soto, Marta
26-Mar-2019Opioid-galanin receptor heteromers mediate the dopaminergic effects of opioidsCai, Ning-Sheng; Quiroz, César; Bonaventura, Jordi; Bonifazi, Alessandro; Cole, Thomas O.; Purks, Julia; Billing, Amy S.; Massey, Ebonie; Wagner, Michael; Wish, Eric D.; Guitart, Xavier; Rea, William; Lam, Sherry; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Casadó Anguera, Verònica; Greenblatt, Aaron D.; Jacobson, Arthur E.; Rice, Kenner C.; Casadó, Vicent; Newman, Amy H.; Winkelman, John W.; Michaelides, Michael; Weintraub, Eric; Volkow, Nora D., 1956-; Belcher, Annabelle M.; Ferré, Sergi
29-Apr-2015Orexin-corticotropin-releasing factor receptor heteromers in the ventral tegmental area as targets for cocaineNavarro Brugal, Gemma; Quiroz, César; Moreno-Delgado, David; Sierakowiak, Adam; McDowell, Kimberly; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Rea, William; Cai, Ning-Sheng; Aguinaga Andrés, David; Howell, Lesley A.; Hausch, Felix; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Casadó, Vicent; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Ferré, Sergi; McCormick, Peter J.
Dec-2011Past, present and future of A(2A) adenosine receptor antagonists in the therapy of Parkinson's diseaseArmentero, Marie Therese; Pinna, Annalisa; Ferré, Sergi; Lanciego, José Luis; Müller, Christa E.; Franco Fernández, Rafael
8-Jan-2018Pivotal role of adenosine neurotransmission in restless legs syndromeFerré, Sergi; Quiroz, César; Guitart, Xavier; Rea, William; Seyedian, Arta; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Casadó Anguera, Verònica; Díaz Ríos, Manuel; Casadó, Vicent; Clemens, Stefan; Allen, Richard P.; Earley, Christopher J.; García Borreguero, Diego
22-Jun-2022Preferential Gs protein coupling of the galanin Gal1 receptor in the μ-opioid-Gal1 receptor heterotetramerDe Oliveira, Paulo A.; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Casajuana-Martin, Nil; Casadó Anguera, Verònica; Cai, Ning-Sheng; Camacho-Hernandez, Gisela Andrea; Zhu, Hu; Bonifazi, Alessandro; Hall, Matthew D.; Weinshenker, David; Newman, Amy Hauck; Logothetis, Diomedes E.; Casadó, Vicent; Plant, Leigh D.; Pardo, Leonardo; Ferré, Sergi
1-Feb-2023Presynaptic adenosine receptor heteromers as key modulators of glutamatergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission in the striatumFerré, Sergi; Sarasola, Laura I.; Quiroz, César; Ciruela Alférez, Francisco
15-Feb-2006Presynaptic control of striatal glutamatergic neurotransmission by adenosine A1-A2A receptor heteromersCiruela Alférez, Francisco; Casadó, Vicent; Rodrigues Sepúlveda Marques, Ricardo Jorge; Luján, Rafael; Burgueño, Javier; Canals Buj, Meritxell; Borycz, Janusz; Rebola, Nelson; Goldberg, Steven R.; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Canela Campos, Enric I.; López-Giménez, Juan F.; Milligan, Graeme; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Cunha, Rodrigo A.; Ferré, Sergi; Franco Fernández, Rafael
Jul-2011Reinforcing and neurochemical effects of cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonists, but not cocaine, are altered by an adenosine A2A receptor antagonistJustinová, Zuzana; Ferré, Sergi; Redhi, Godfrey H.; Mascia, Paola; Stroik, Jessica; Quarta, Davide; Yasar, Sevil; Müller, Christa E.; Franco Fernández, Rafael; Goldberg, Steven R.
25-Apr-2016Significant Role of the Truncated Ghrelin Receptor GHS-1Rb in Ghrelin-Induced Signaling in NeuronsNavarro Brugal, Gemma; Aguinaga Andrés, David; Angelats Canals, Edgar; Medrano Moya, Mireia; Moreno Guillén, Estefanía; Mallol Montero, Josefa; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Casadó, Vicent; McCormick, Peter J.; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Ferré, Sergi
2011Striatal pre- and postsynaptic profile of adenosine A2A receptor antagonistsOrrù, Marco; Bakešová, Jana; Brugarolas Campillos, Marc; Quiroz, César; Beaumont, Vahri; Goldberg, Steven R.; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Cortés Tejedor, Antonio; Franco Fernández, Rafael; Casadó, Vicent; Canela Campos, Enric I.; Ferré, Sergi
2002Synergistic interaction between adenosine A2A and glutamate mGlu5 receptors: Implications for striatal neuronal function.Ferré, Sergi; Karcz-Kubicha, Marzena; Hope, Bruce T.; Popoli, Patrizia P.; Burgueño, Javier; Gutierrez, Angeles M.; Casadó, Vicent; Fuxe, Kjell; Goldberg, Steven R. G; Lluís i Biset, Carme; Franco Fernández, Rafael; Ciruela Alférez, Francisco