Browsing by Author Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García)

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Showing results 26 to 45 of 64 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Oct-2017Eating behavior style predicts craving and anxiety experienced in food-related virtual environments by patients with eating disorders and healthy controlsFerrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Pla Sanjuanelo, Joana; Dakanalis, Antonios; Vilalta-Abella, Ferran; Riva, Giuseppe; Fernández Aranda, Fernando; Sánchez Zaplana, Isabel; Ribas Sabaté, Joan; Andreu Gracia, Alexis; Escandón-Nagel, Neli; Gómez-Tricio, Osane; Tena, Virginia; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2010Effect of the mood produced by virtual reality exposure on body image disturbancesFerrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2010Efficacy of virtual reality for triggering smoking craving: relation with level of presence and nicotine dependenceFerrer, Marta (Ferrer García); García-Rodríguez, Olaya; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José; Pericot-Valverde, Irene; Secades Villa, Roberto
2018Embodiment in different size virtual bodies produces changes in women's body image distortion and dissatisfactionFerrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Porras-García, Bruno; Moreno Sánchez, Manuel; Bertomeu Panisello, Paola; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2006Esquizotipia en familiares de pacientes con esquizofreniaGutiérrez Maldonado, José; Caqueo-Urízar, Alejandra; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García)
2015External eating as a predictor of cue-reactivity to food-related virtual environmentsFerrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José; Pla Sanjuanelo, Joana; Vilalta-Abella, Ferran; Andreu Gracia, Alexis; Dakanalis, Antonios; Fernández Aranda, Fernando; Fusté Escolano, Adela; Ribas Sabaté, Joan; Riva, Giuseppe; Saldaña García, Carmina; Sánchez Zaplana, Isabel
2023Eye-Tracking and Virtual Reality-based Attentional Bias Modification Training to Improve Mirror Exposure Therapy: preliminary findings from a multiple case study with Anorexia Nervosa patientsAscione, Mariarca; Carulla-Roig, Marta; Miquel Nabau, Helena; Meschberger-Annweiler, Franck-Alexandre; Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
1-Feb-2019Formació en la competència informacional a PsicologiaAdan Puig, Ana; Álvarez Mallol, Conxa; Amador, Juan Antonio; Berger, Rita, 1959-; Calderón Garrido, Caterina; Celdrán, Montserrat; Codina, Núria (Codina Mata); Colell Mimó, Montserrat; Cornet Hernando, Jordi; Corral, María-José; Cunillera, Toni; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gallardo-Pujol, David; Gilboy i Rubio, Elizabeth; González Conde, Joan; Guilera Ferré, Georgina; Jurado, Ma. Ángeles (María Ángeles); Leiva Ureña, David; Martínez i Torres, Mercè; Mataró Serrat, Maria; Mayo Alesón, Mercedes; Nuño, Neus; Peró, Maribel; Pueyo Benito, Roser; Ramon-Casas, Marta; Rivero García, María Magdalena; Serrat Fernández, Rodrigo; Tremosa Armengol, Jordi, 1976-; Via i García, Marc; Vidal i Moranta, Tomeu; Zaborras, Rosa, 1963-; Grup PSINFO
1-Jun-2018Gender differences in attentional bias after owning a virtual avatar with increased weightPorras-García, Bruno; Ghiţă, Alexandra; Moreno Sánchez, Manuel; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Bertomeu Panisello, Paola; Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Riva, Giuseppe; Dakanalis, Antonios; Achotegui Loizate, Joseba; Talarn Caparrós, Antoni; Andreu Gracia, Alexis; Treasure, Janet; Martinez-Mallen, Esteve; Moreno-Perez, Elena; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
1-Jun-2021Going beyond body exposure therapy. Presenting an innovative Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking body-related attentional bias taskPorras-García, Bruno; Singh, Alana; Miquel Nabau, Helena; Taña-Velasco, Gemma; Briseño-Oloriz, Natalia; Fleta-Díaz, Jesus; Iglesias, Emma; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2011Identifying Specific Cues and Contexts Related to Smoking Craving for the Development of Effective Virtual EnvironmentsGarcía-Rodríguez, Olaya; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Pericot-Valverde, Irene; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José; Secades Villa, Roberto; Carballo, José Luis
29-Jan-2019Identifying Triggers of Alcohol Craving to Develop Effective Virtual Environments for Cue Exposure TherapyGhiţă, Alexandra; Teixidor López, Lídia; Monras Arnau, Miquel; Ortega, Lluisa; Mondon, Silvia; Gual, Antoni; Miranda Paredes, Sofia; Villares Urgell, Laura; Porras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2014Inducción de craving por comida mediante realidad virtual no inmersivaAgliaro López, Mario; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Pla Sanjuanelo, Joana; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2012Influencia de la percepción de apoyo y del funcionamiento social en la calidad de vida de pacientes con esquizofrenia y sus cuidadoresGutiérrez Maldonado, José; Caqueo-Urízar, Alejandra; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Fernández-Dávila, Paula
27-Jun-2019Is this my own body? Changing the perceptual and affective body image experience among college students using a new virtual reality embodiment-based techniquePorras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Olszewska, Agata; Yilmaz, Lena; González Ibáñez, Cristina; Gracia Blanes, Mireia; Gültekin, Gamze; Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
1-Apr-2012La Ansiedad como estigma: el estereotipo de la persona ansiosa en la población clínica, sanitaria y generalGarcía Galindo, José Teodoro; Muiños Martínez, Rubén; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Tous Ral, José María
5-May-2023Modification of Body-Related Attentional Bias through Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking in Healthy Participants: Implications for Anorexia Nervosa TreatmentsMiquel Nabau, Helena; Briseño-Oloriz, Natalia; Porras-García, Bruno; Ascione, Mariarca; Meschberger-Annweiler, Franck-Alexandre; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Moreno Sánchez, Manuel; Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Carulla-Roig, Marta; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2013Peak provoked craving after smoking cessationPericot-Valverde, Irene; García-Rodríguez, Olaya; Rus-Calafell, Mar; Fernández-Artamendi, Sergio; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
18-Sep-2020Predictors of Changes in alcohol craving levels during a virtual reality cue exposure treatment among patients with alcohol use disorderHernández Serrano, Olga; Ghiţă, Alexandra; Figueras-Puigderrajols, Natàlia; Ruiz, Jolanda F. (Fernandez Ruiz); Monras Arnau, Miquel; Ortega, Lluisa; Mondon, Silvia; Teixidor López, Lídia; Gual, Antoni; Ugas, Lidia; Fernández, Maribel; Montserrat, Roger; Porras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
1-Nov-2012Predictors of smoking craving during virtual reality exposureFerrer, Marta (Ferrer García); García-Rodríguez, Olaya; Pericot-Valverde, Irene; Yoon, Jin H.; Secades Villa, Roberto; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José