Browsing by Author Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco

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Showing results 4 to 20 of 20 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000Bacteriofágos de bacterias entéricas en aguas de bañoContreras Coll, Núria
2000Bacteriophages in bathing wàters: A feasibility study on the development of a method based on bacteriophages for the determination of microbiological quality of bathing watersJofre i Torroella, Joan; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Mooijman, K.; Pierzo, V.; Araujo Boira, Rosa Ma.; Bahar, M.; Demarquilly, C.; Havelar, A.
12-May-2016Coliphages as model organisms in the characterization and management of water resourcesJofre i Torroella, Joan; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Blanch, A.R.; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa
1-Jan-2021Combining multi-isotopic and molecular source tracking methods to identify nitrate pollution sources in surface and groundwaterCarrey Labarta, Raúl; Ballesté Pau, Elisenda; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Pons, Pere; López, Juan Manuel; Rull, Marina; Sola, Joan; Micola, Nuria; Fraile, Josep; Garrido, Teresa; Munné, Antoni (Munné i Torras); Soler i Gil, Albert; Otero Pérez, Neus
15-Feb-2023Detection of faecal bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in biofilms attached to plastics from human-impacted coastal areasLiang, Hongxia; De Haan, William P.; Cerdà i Domènech, Marc; Méndez Viera, Javier; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; García Aljaro, Cristina; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; Ballesté Pau, Elisenda
2006Development of a standarised protocol for analyses somatic coliphages in sludge, soil and treated biowastes [Final Report]Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; Jofre i Torroella, Joan
2019Drinking Water Library: nuevo recurso para identificar cepas bacterianas en aguas de consumoGalofre, Belén; Vilaró, Carles; Fernández, Sonia; Baquero, David; González, Susana; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; García Aljaro, Cristina; Sala Comorera, Laura; Toribio, Daniel; Ruvira, Maria A.; Rodrigo-Torres, Lidia; Carmen Macián, M.; Arahal, David R.; Pujalte, Maria J.; Aznar, Rosa
May-2019Dynamics of crAssphage as a human source tracking marker in potentially faecally polluted environmentsBallesté Pau, Elisenda; Pascual Benito, Miriam; Martín Díaz, Julia; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Muniesa Pérez, Ma. Teresa; Jofre i Torroella, Joan; García Aljaro, Cristina
15-Sep-2014Effect of ultrasound, low-temperature thermal and alkali pre-treatments on waste activated sludge rheology, hygienization and methane potentialRuiz Hernando, María; Martín Díaz, Julia; Labanda, Jordi; Mata Álvarez, Joan; Llorens Llacuna, Joan; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Astals Garcia, Sergi
21-Jul-2020Impact of treated sewage effluent on the bacterial community composition in an intermittent mediterranean streamPascual Benito, Miriam; Ballesté Pau, Elisenda; Monleón Getino, Toni; Urmeneta, Jordi; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; García Aljaro, Cristina; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco
2008Minimal requirements for parameters to be used for the development of predictive models for microbial source tracking. The example of the pair somatic coliphages and phages infecting BacteroidesBlanch i Gisbert, Anicet; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Payán González, Andrey; Jofre i Torroella, Joan
1-May-2020Modelling the seasonal impacts of a wastewater treatment plant on water quality in a Mediterranean stream using microbial indicatorsPascual Benito, Miriam; Nadal Sala, Daniel; Tobella, M.; Ballesté Pau, Elisenda; García Aljaro, Cristina; Sabaté i Jorba, Santi; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Martí, E.; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco
21-Sep-2020Nuevas herramientas para la gestión de los recursos hídricos y los riesgos microbiológicos asociadosPascual Benito, Miriam
7-Aug-2021Rapid and improved identification of drinking water bacteria using the Drinking Water Library, a dedicated MALDI-TOF MS database.Pinar-Méndez, Anna; Fernández, Sonia; Baquero, David; Vilaró, Carles; Galofré, Belén; González, Susana; Rodrigo-Torres, Lidia; Arahal, David R.; Macián, M. Carmen; Ruvira, María A.; Aznar, Rosa; Caudet-Segarra, Laia; Sala Comorera, Laura; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; García Aljaro, Cristina
2-Dec-2020Unravelling the composition of tap and mineral water microbiota: Divergences between next-generation sequencing techniques and culture-based methodsSala Comorera, Laura; Caudet-Segarra, Laia; Galofré, Belén; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; García Aljaro, Cristina
8-Sep-2017Utilidad de los bacteriófagos y otros indicadores de contaminación fecal en muestras ambientales sólidasMartín Díaz, Julia
1983Virus entèrics a aigües urbano-industrialsLucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Bosch, Albert; Gironès Llop, Rosina; Jofre i Torroella, Joan