Browsing by Author Pujol Solà, Núria

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018An Alternative Scenario on the Origin of Ultra-High Pressure (UHP) and Super-Reduced (SuR) Minerals in Ophiolitic Chromitites: A Case Study from the Mercedita Deposit (Eastern Cuba)Pujol Solà, Núria; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Garcia-Casco, Antonio; González Jiménez, José María; Andreazini, A.; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Gervilla, F.
2022Cadomian metabasites of the Eastern Pyrenees revisitedPujol Solà, Núria; Casas Tuset, Josep Maria; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Blanco-Quintero, Idael Francisco; Druguet, Elena; Liesa Torre-Marín, Montserrat; Roman-Alpiste, Manuel Jesús; Álvaro, José Javier
Nov-2018Cold plumes trigger contamination of oceanic mantle wedges with continental crust-derived sediments: Evidence from chromitite zircon grains of eastern Cuban ophiolitesProenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; González Jiménez, José María; García Casco, Antonio; Belousova, Elena; Griffin, William L.; Talavera, Cristina; Rojas Agramonte, Yamirka; Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans; Navarro Ciurana, Dídac; Pujol Solà, Núria; Gervilla Linares, Fernando; O'Reilly, Suzanne Yvette; Jacob, Dorrit E.
8-Oct-2021Com fer un article divulgatiu. Integrant coneixements i desenvolupant competènciesMelgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Playà i Pous, Elisabet; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Campeny, Marc; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Aulinas Juncà, Meritxell; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Roqué, Josep; Cazorla, Malena; Gemmrich, Laura; Casado, Francisco Javier; Soler i Gil, Albert; Suñer, Pol; Escalona, Helena; Ruiz, Cristina; Onetti, Ernest; Rodríguez, Ada; Roca, Roger; Llopis, Jordi; Haddad, Yousra; Grande, Miquel; Serrano, Juan; Farré De Pablo, Júlia; Pujol Solà, Núria
2020Com trobar elements rars de la taula periòdica a Catalunya?Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Campeny, Marc; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Aulinas Juncà, Meritxell; Playà i Pous, Elisabet; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Roqué, Josep; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Gemmrich, Laura; Cazorla, Malena; Casado, Francisco Javier; García, Ada; Suñer, Pol; Escalona, Helena; Ruiz, Cristina.; Onetti, Ernest; Pujol Solà, Núria; Rodríguez, Ada; Roca, Roger; Llopis, Jordi; Haddad, Yousra; Grande, Miquel; Serrano, Juan; Farré De Pablo, Júlia
10-Sep-2020Diamond forms during low pressure serpentinisation of oceanic lithospherePujol Solà, Núria; Garcia-Casco, Antonio; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; González Jiménez, José María; del Campo, A.; Colas, V.; Canals i Sabaté, Àngels; Sanchez-Navas, A.; Roqué, Josep
30-Jun-2021Diverse origin and processes in the formation of diamond and other exotic minerals in ophiolitic chromititesPujol Solà, Núria
12-Feb-2020Fe-Ti-Zr metasomatism in the oceanic mantle due to extreme differentiation of tholeiitic melts (Moa-Baracoa ophiolite, Cuba)Pujol Solà, Núria; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; García Casco, Antonio; González Jiménez, José María; Roman-Alpiste, Manuel Jesús; Garrido, C. J.; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Gervilla Linares, Fernando; Llovet Ximenes, Xavier
8-Oct-2020Geochemistry of Platinum-Group Elements (PGE) in Cerro Matoso and Planeta Rica Ni-Laterite deposits, Northern ColombiaTobón, Mónica; Weber, Marion; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans; Betancur, Sebastián; Farré de Pablo, Júlia; Ramírez, Carlos; Pujol Solà, Núria
2019Geological context and origin of the mineralization of the historic and prehistoric iron mines in the Gavà area, Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula)Díaz-Acha, Yael; Campeny, Marc; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Bosch, Josep; Lehbib, Saleh; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Montgarri Castillo-Oliver, M.; Camprubí, Antoni; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Andreazini, Aleu; Pastor, Míriam; Pujol Solà, Núria; Amores, Sandra; Xu, Jingyao; Farré, Júlia
29-Apr-2014Les col·leccions de mineralogia de la UB. Una eina d'aprenentatge i de participació dels estudiantsMelgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Campeny, Marc; Castillo Oliver, Montgarri; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans; Castellano, Amaia; Amores Casals, Sandra; Butjosa Molines, Lidia; Pujol Solà, Núria; Farré De Pablo, Júlia; Arqués Farré, L.; Pastor, Míriam; Andreazini, Aleu; Artiaga, David; Colomer Lorenzo, J.M.; Conesa Navarro, N.; Arbiol González, C.; Torres, Belén; Sanmartí Rodríguez, L.; Serra Crispi, A.; Arias Pacheco, D.
Jul-2017Minerales 'exóticos' en cromititas ofiolíticas. Implicaciones para la geodinámica mantélicaProenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Garcia-Casco, Antonio; González Jiménez, José María; Farré De Pablo, Júlia; Pujol Solà, Núria; Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Butjosa Molines, Lidia; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Galí Medina, Salvador, 1949-; Domínguez-Carretero, Diego; Roqué, Josep; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Rojas-Agramonte, Y.; Haissen, Faouziya; Blanco, I.F.; Lázaro, C.; Camprubí, Antoni; Colás, Vanessa
8-Oct-2020New mineralogical data on platinum-group minerals from the Río Santiago alluvial placer, Esmeraldasprovince, EcuadorLópez Males, Gladys G.; Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans; Pujol Solà, Núria; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio
8-Oct-2020New mineralogical data on platinum-group minerals from the Río Santiago alluvial placer, Esmeraldasprovince, EcuadorLópez Males, Gladys G.; Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans; Pujol Solà, Núria; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio
17-May-2019Spatial and Temporal Controls on the Distribution of Indium in Xenothermal Vein-Deposits: The Huari Huari District, Potosí, BoliviaTorró i Abat, Lisard; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Gemmrich, Laura; Mollinedo, Diva; Cazorla, Malena; Martínez, Álvaro; Pujol Solà, Núria; Farré De Pablo, Júlia; Camprubí, Antoni; Artiaga, David; Torres, Belén; Alfonso Abella, María Pura; Arce, Osvaldo
4-Jun-2017The Barcelona SGA-SEG student chapter: New fronts for international cooperation in teaching Geology and student exchangesFarré De Pablo, Júlia; Pujol Solà, Núria; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Canals i Sabaté, Àngels; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Campeny, Marc; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Castillo Oliver, Montgarri; Sanz-Mont, D.; Vilanova-Pagès, O.; Casas-Sagristà, M.; Lluch-Cabré, J.; Cazorla, Malena; Sagués, B.; Poll-Barrera, L.; Andreazini, A.; Pastor, Míriam; Amores Casals, Sandra; Xu, Jingyao; Agut-Botines, E.; Carrazana, A.; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio
29-Apr-2014The BCN-SGA student chapter: a tool for insertion to research and laboral world in metallogenyMelgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Garcia Vallès, Maite; Martínez Manent, Salvador; Nogués, Joaquim M.; Alfonso Abella, María Pura; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Campeny, Marc; Castillo Oliver, Montgarri; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Amores Casals, Sandra; Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans; Butjosa Molines, Lidia; Lehbib Nayem, Saleh; Pujol Solà, Núria; Schamuells Panesso, Estefanía; Portell Ramírez, Lena; Jiménez Franco, María Abigail; Baurier Aymat, Sandra; Baraza Piazuelo, Teresa
20-Apr-2021The chromitites of the Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer ophiolite (Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco) revisitedPujol Solà, Núria; Domínguez-Carretero, Diego; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Haissen, Faouziya; Ikenne, Moha; González Jiménez, José María; Colás, Vanessa; Maacha, Lhou; Garcia-Casco, Antonio
2019The Neolithic variscite mines of Gavà, Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula): criteria for mineral exploration and exploitation in the PrehistoryDíaz-Acha, Yael; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Bosch, Josep; Andreazini, Aleu; Pastor, Míriam; Pujol Solà, Núria; Campeny, Marc; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Montgarri Castillo-Oliver, M.; Lehbib, Saleh; Camprubí, Antoni; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio
4-Jun-2017The pilot project of the mineral collections from the University of Barcelona: An opportunity to create updated teaching material to be shared with other universitiesPujol Solà, Núria; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Farré De Pablo, Júlia; Casado, Francisco Javier; Canals i Sabaté, Àngels; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Campeny, Marc; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Díaz-Acha, Y.; Castillo Oliver, Montgarri; Gemmrich, Laura; Merchán, Álex; Castaño, A.; Sanz-Mont, D.; Vilanova-Pagès, O.; Casas-Sagristà, M.; Lluch-Cabré, J.; Cazorla, Malena; Andreazini, A.; Pastor, Míriam; Amores Casals, Sandra; Carrazana, A.; Xu, Jingyao; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio