Browsing by Author Santamaría, Enrique

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Mar-2020Absence of nuclear p16 is a diagnostic and independent prognostic biomarker in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervixMendaza, Saioa; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique; Zudaire, Tamara; Guarch Troyas, Rosa María; Guerrero-Setas, David; Vidal-Bel, August; Santos-Salas, José; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Ausin, Karina; Díaz de Cerio, María José; Martín-Sánchez, Esperanza
1-Nov-2020Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Is Accompanied by Protein Derangements in the Olfactory Bulb-Tract AxisLachén Montes, Mercedes; Mendizuri, Naroa; Ausin, Karina; Andrés Benito, Pol; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
8-Apr-2019Combined transcriptomics and proteomics in frontal cortex area 8 in frontotemporal lobar degeneration linked to C9ORF72 expansionAndrés Benito, Pol; Gelpi, Ellen; Povedano, Mònica; Ausin, Karina; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
31-Mar-2023Deregulated transcription and proteostasis in adult mapt knockout mouseAndrés Benito, Pol; Flores de los Heros, África; Busquet-Areny, Sara; Carmona Murillo, Margarita; Ausín, Karina; Cartas Cejudo, Paz; Lachén Montes, Mercedes; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
20-Jan-2022Differential Phospho-Signatures in Blood Cells Identify LRRK2 G2019S Carriers in Parkinson's Disease.Garrido, Alicia; Santamaría, Enrique; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Soto, Marta; Simonet, Cristina; Fernández, Manel; Obiang, Donina; Tolosa, Eduardo; Martí Domènech, Ma. Josep; Padmanabhan, Shalini; Malagelada Grau, Cristina; Ezquerra, Mario; Fernández Santiago, Rubén
8-Jun-2022Dysregulated Brain Protein Phosphorylation Linked to Increased Human Tau Expression in the hTau Transgenic Mouse ModelFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Andrés Benito, Pol; Ausín, Karina; Cartas Cejudo, Paz; Lachén Montes, Mercedes; Rio, José Antonio del; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
15-Jul-2022Dysregulated Protein Phosphorylation in a Mouse Model of FTLD-TauFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Andrés Benito, Pol; Ausín, Karina; Cartas Cejudo, Paz; Lachén Montes, Mercedes; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
4-Jul-2021Dysregulated protein phosphorylation: A determining condition in the continuum of brain aging and Alzheimer's diseaseFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Andrés Benito, Pol; Ausín, Karina; Pamplona, Reinald; Río Fernández, José Antonio del; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
11-Jun-2019Early-Onset Molecular Derangements in the Olfactory Bulb of Tg2576 Mice: Novel Insights Into the Stress-Responsive Olfactory Kinase Dynamics in Alzheimer’s DiseaseLachen Montes, Mercedes; González Morales, Andrea; Palomino, Maialen; Ausin, Karina; Gómez Ochoa, Marta; Zelaya, María Victoria; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Pérez Mediavilla, Alberto; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
6-Jan-2020Familial globular glial tauopathy linked to MAPT mutations: molecular neuropathology and seeding capacity of a prototypical mixed neuronal and glial tauopathyFerrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Andrés Benito, Pol; Zelaya, María Victoria; Erro Aguirre, Maria Elena; Carmona Murillo, Margarita; Ausín, Karina; Lachén Montes, Mercedes; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique; Río Fernández, José Antonio del
1-Nov-2020Increased C-X-C Motif Chemokine Ligand 12 Levels in Cerebrospinal Fluid as a Candidate Biomarker in Sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisAndrés Benito, Pol; Povedano, Mònica; Domínguez, Raúl; Marco, Carla; Colomina Soler, M. J. (María José); López Pérez, Óscar; Santana, Isabel; Baldeiras, Inês; Martínez Yélamos, Sergio; Zerr, Inga; Llorens Torres, Franc; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
1-Nov-2021Multi-laboratory experiment PME11 for the standardization of phosphoproteome analysisColomé, Núria; Abián, Joaquín; Aloria, Kerman; Arizmendi, Jesús M.; Barceló Batllori, Sílvia; Braga Lagache, Sophie; Burlet Schiltz, Odile; Carrascal, Montse; Casal, J. Ignacio; Chicano Gálvez, Eduard; Chiva, Cristina; Clemente, Luis Felipe; Elortza, Felix; Estanyol i Ullate, Josep Maria; Fernandez Irigoyen, Joaquín; Fernández Puente, Patricia; Fidalgo, María José; Froment, Carine; Fuentes, Manuel; Fuentes Almagro, Carlos; Gay, Marina; Hainard, Alexandre; Heller, Manfred; Hernández, María Luisa; Ibarrola, Nieves; Iloro, Ibon; Kieselbach, Thomas; Lario, Antonio; Locard Paulet, Marie; Marina Ramírez, Anabel; Martín, Luna; Morato López, Esperanza; Muñoz, Javier; Navajas, Rosana; Odena, M. Antonia; Odriozola, Leticia; Oliveira, Eliandre; Paradela, Alberto; Pasquarello Mosimann, Carla; Rios, Vivian de los; Ruiz Romero, Cristina; Sabidó Aguadé, Eduard; Sánchez del Pino, Manuel; Sancho, Jaime; Santamaría, Enrique; Schaeffer Reiss, Christine; Schneider, Justine; Torre, Carolina de la; Valero, M. Luz; Vilaseca, Marta; Wu, Shuai; Wu, Linfeng; Ximénez Embún, Pilar; Canals, Francesc; Corrales, Fernando
22-Aug-2017Olfactory bulb neuroproteomics reveals a chronological perturbation of survival routes and a disruption of prohibitin complex during Alzheimer’s disease progressionLachén Montes, Mercedes; González Morales, Andrea; Zelaya, María Victoria; Pérez Valderrama, Estela; Ausin, Karina; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
24-Nov-2015Olfactory bulb proteome dynamics during the progression of sporadic Alzheimer's disease: identification of common and distinct olfactory targets across Alzheimer-related co-pathologiesZelaya, María Victoria; Pérez Valderrama, Estela; Martínez de Morentin, Xabier; Tuñón, Teresa; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Luquin, María Rosario; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
13-May-2023Proteostatic modulation in brain aging without associated Alzheimer's disease-and age-related neuropathological changesAndrés Benito, Pol; Íñigo Marco, Ignacio; Brullas, Marta; Carmona Murillo, Margarita; Rio, José Antonio del; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique; Povedano, Mònica; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda)
1-Mar-2022Pyk2 Regulates MAMs and Mitochondrial Dynamics in Hippocampal NeuronsLópez-Molina, Laura; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Cifuentes Díaz, Carmen; Alberch i Vié, Jordi, 1959-; Girault, Jean-Antoine; Santamaría, Enrique; Ginés Padrós, Silvia; Giralt Torroella, Albert
8-Feb-2023Sex-divergent effects on the NAD+-dependent deacetylase sirtuin signaling across the olfactory–entorhinal–amygdaloid axis in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseasesCartas Cejudo, Paz; Lachén Montes, Mercedes; Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique
6-Apr-2021Understanding the Molecular Mechanism of miR-877-3p Could Provide Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the CervixMendaza, Saioa; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique; Arozarena, Imanol; Guerrero-Setas, David; Zudaire, Tamara; Guarch, Rosa; Vidal-Bel, August; Salas, José Santos; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Ausín, Karina; Gil, Carmen; Hernández Alcoceba, Rubén; Martín Sánchez, Esperanza
1-Jan-2019Unveiling the olfactory proteostatic dissangement in Parkinson's disease by proteome-wide profilingLachén Montes, Mercedes; González Morales, Andrea; Iloro, Ibon; Elortza, Felix; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Gveric, Djordje; Fernández Irigoyen, Joaquín; Santamaría, Enrique