Browsing by Author Garcia Giménez, Sònia

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018A genome size and phylogenetic survey of Mediterranean Tripleurospermum and Matricaria (Anthemideae, Asteraceae)Inceer, Huseyin; Garnatje i Roca, Teresa; Hayirlioğlu-Ayaz, Selma; Pascual-Díaz, Joan Pere; Vallès Xirau, Joan, 1959-; Garcia Giménez, Sònia
30-Jul-2007Una aproximació a l'estudi de l'evolució i la sistemàtica en "Artemisia" i gèneres afins en els àmbits de la filogènia i citogenètica molecularsGarcia Giménez, Sònia
2009Cheirolophus intybaceus (Asteraceae, Centaureinae) o la constància del valor 2CGarnatje i Roca, Teresa; Garcia Giménez, Sònia; Hidalgo Grani, Oriane; Pellicer Moscardó, Jaume; Sánchez-Jiménez, Ismael; Vallès Xirau, Joan, 1959-
2019Contribution to the knowledge of genome size evolution in edible blueberries (genus Vaccinium)Sultana, Nusrat; Pascual-Díaz, Joan Pere; Gers, Ahsen; Ilga, Kübra; Serçe, Sedat; Vitales Serrano, Daniel; Garcia Giménez, Sònia
2021First genome size assessments in Carduncellus and its related genera Femeniasia and Phonus (Asteraceae, Cardueae), with data on 21 taxaGarnatje i Roca, Teresa; Hidalgo Grani, Oriane; Vallès Xirau, Joan, 1959-; Garcia Giménez, Sònia; Romo i Díez, Àngel M. (Àngel Maria); Vilatersana Lluch, Roser
2010First genome size estimations for some eudicot families and generaGarcia Giménez, Sònia; Garnatje i Roca, Teresa; Hidalgo Grani, Oriane; Mas de Xaxars Giner, Gemma; Pellicer Moscardó, Jaume; Sánchez-Jiménez, Ismael; Vitales Serrano, Daniel; Vallès Xirau, Joan, 1959-
2017Higher-order organisation of extremely amplified, potentially functional and massively methylated 5S rDNA in European pikes (Esox sp.)Symonová, Radka; Ocalewicz, Konrad; Kirtiklis, Lech; Delmastro, Giovanni Battista; Pelikánová, árka; Garcia Giménez, Sònia; Kovař; ík, Ales
2008Molecular cytogenetic characterization of some representatives of the subgenera Artemisia and Absinthium (genus Artemisia, Asterraceae)Pellicer Moscardó, Jaume; Garcia Giménez, Sònia; Garnatje i Roca, Teresa; Hidalgo Grani, Oriane; Siljak-Yakovlev, Sonja; Vallès Xirau, Joan, 1959-
2016Organisation, expression and evolution of rRNA genes in plant genomesGarcia Giménez, Sònia; Cortés, Paula; Fernàndez, Xènia; Garnatje i Roca, Teresa; Kovaík, Aleš
Jun-2015Physical mapping of ribosomal DNA and genome size in diploid and polyploid North African Calligonum species (Polygonaceae).Gouja, H.; Garnatje i Roca, Teresa; Hidalgo Grani, Oriane; Neffati, M.; Raies, A.; Garcia Giménez, Sònia
2019Progress in the study of genome size evolution in Asteraceae: analysis of the last updateVitales Serrano, Daniel; Fernández, Pol; Garnatje i Roca, Teresa; Garcia Giménez, Sònia
28-Feb-2014Recent updates and developments to plant genome size databasesGarcia Giménez, Sònia; Leitch, Ilia J.; Anadon Rosell, Alba; Canela, Miguel Ángel; Gálvez, Francisco; Garnatje i Roca, Teresa; Gras Mas, Airy; Hidalgo Grani, Oriane; Johnston, Emmeline; Mas de Xaxars Giner, Gemma; Pellicer Moscardó, Jaume; Siljak-Yakovlev, Sonja; Vallès Xirau, Joan, 1959-; Vitales Serrano, Daniel; Bennett, Michael D.
16-Aug-2010Repeated reunions and splits feature the highly dynamic evolution of 5S and 35S ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) in the Asteraceae familyGarcia Giménez, Sònia; Panero, José L.; Siroky, Jiri; Kovarik, Ales
2015The striking and unexpected cytogenetic diversity of genus Tanacetum L. (Asteraceae): a cytometric and fluorescent in situ hybridisation study of Iranian taxaOlanj, Nayyereh; Garnatje i Roca, Teresa; Sonboli, Ali; Vallès Xirau, Joan, 1959-; Garcia Giménez, Sònia