Browsing by Author Soler i Gil, Albert

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017A classification of weak rocks for their use in road embankmentsNavarro Ciurana, Dídac; Soler i Gil, Albert; Martínez Bofill, Joan; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Otero Pérez, Neus; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Ruiz, Aurelio; Ibarbia, Iñaki; Navarro, José Antonio
6-Mar-2018A Multi-isotopic approach to investigate the influence of land use on nitrate removal in a highly saline lake-aquifer systemValiente, N.; Carrey Labarta, Raúl; Otero Pérez, Neus; Soler i Gil, Albert; Sanz, D.; Muñoz-Martín, A.; Jirsa, F.; Wanek, W.; Gómez-Alday, J.J.
Aug-2015A textural classification of argillaceous rocks and their durabilityCorominas Dulcet, Jordi; Martínez Bofill, Joan; Soler i Gil, Albert
1-Jun-2020Agricultural and urban delivered nitrate pollution input to Mediterranean temporary freshwatersParedes, I.; Otero Pérez, Neus; Soler i Gil, Albert; Geen, A.J.; Soto, D.
7-Aug-2017Applications of Hydro-Chemical and Isotopic Tools to Improve Definitions of Groundwater Catchment Zones in a Karstic Aquifer: A Case StudyJiménez-Madrid, Alberto; Castaño, Silvino; Vadillo, Iñaki; Martinez, Carlos; Carrasco, Francisco; Soler i Gil, Albert
15-Dec-2015C, Cl and H compound-specific isotope analysis to assess natural versus Fe(0) barrier-induced degradation of chlorinated ethenes at a contaminated siteAudí Miró, Carme; Cretnik, S.; Torrentó Aguerri, Clara; Rosell, Mònica; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Otero Pérez, Neus; Palau, Jordi; Elsner, M.; Soler i Gil, Albert
9-May-2017Carbon and chlorine isotope fractionation patterns associated with different engineered chloroform transformation reactionsTorrentó Aguerri, Clara; Palau, Jordi; Rodríguez Fernández, Diana; Heckel, B.; Meyer, A.; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Rosell, Mònica; Soler i Gil, Albert; Elsner, M.; Hunkeler, D.
10-Jan-2020Characterisation of the natural attenuation of chromium contamination in the presence of nitrate using isotopic methods. A case study from the Matanza-Riachuelo river basin, ArgentinaCeballos, E.; Margalef Marti, Rosanna; Carrey Labarta, Raúl; Frei, R.; Otero Pérez, Neus; Soler i Gil, Albert; Ayora, Carles
15-Feb-2017Characterizing sources and natural attenuation of nitrate contamination in the Baix Ter aquifer system (NE Spain) using a multi-isotope approachPuig Caminal, Roger; Soler i Gil, Albert; Widory, D.; Mas-Pla, Josep; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Otero Pérez, Neus
2016Climate change impact on the PAH photodegradation in soils: Characterization and metabolites identificationMarques, Montse; Mari, Montse; Audí Miró, Carme; Sierra, J. (Jordi); Soler i Gil, Albert; Nadal, Martí; Domingo, José L.
8-Oct-2021Com fer un article divulgatiu. Integrant coneixements i desenvolupant competènciesMelgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Playà i Pous, Elisabet; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Campeny, Marc; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Aulinas Juncà, Meritxell; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Roqué, Josep; Cazorla, Malena; Gemmrich, Laura; Casado, Francisco Javier; Soler i Gil, Albert; Suñer, Pol; Escalona, Helena; Ruiz, Cristina; Onetti, Ernest; Rodríguez, Ada; Roca, Roger; Llopis, Jordi; Haddad, Yousra; Grande, Miquel; Serrano, Juan; Farré De Pablo, Júlia; Pujol Solà, Núria
1-Jan-2021Combining multi-isotopic and molecular source tracking methods to identify nitrate pollution sources in surface and groundwaterCarrey Labarta, Raúl; Ballesté Pau, Elisenda; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; Lucena Gutiérrez, Francisco; Pons, Pere; López, Juan Manuel; Rull, Marina; Sola, Joan; Micola, Nuria; Fraile, Josep; Garrido, Teresa; Munné, Antoni (Munné i Torras); Soler i Gil, Albert; Otero Pérez, Neus
Jul-2015Comparative study of Spanish norms used to quantify gypsum content in civil and building constructionVillanova de Benavent, Cristina; Martínez Bofill, Joan; Otero Pérez, Neus; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Soler, J. M.; Coto, L.; Soler i Gil, Albert
25-Apr-2014Compound Specific Isotope Analysis ((13)C, (37)Cl,( 2)H) to trace induced attenuation of chlorinated organic contaminants in groundwaterAudí Miró, Carme
2007Compound-specific carbon isotope analysis of volatile organic compounds in water using solid-phase microextraction.Autor Palau, Jordi; Soler i Gil, Albert; Teixidor, P.; Aravena R.
10-Feb-2017Compound-Specific Chlorine Isotope Analysis of Tetrachloromethane and Trichloromethane by Gas Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry vs Gas Chromatography-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry: Method Development and Evaluation of Precision and TruenessHeckel, B.; Rodríguez Fernández, Diana; Torrentó Aguerri, Clara; Meyer, A.; Palau, Jordi; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Rosell, Mònica; Soler i Gil, Albert; Hunkeler, D.; Elsner, M.
21-Mar-2019Contribution of isotopic research techniques to characterize highmountain-Mediterranean karst aquifers: The Port del Comte (Eastern Pyrenees) aquifer.Herms, Ignasi; Jódar, Jorge; Soler i Gil, Albert; Vadillo, Iñaki; Lambán Jiménez, Luis Javier; Martos-Rosillo, S.; Núñez, Joan Agustí; Arnó, Georgina; Jorge-Sánchez, Joan
2012Control of the effectiveness of source removal and ZVI barrier treatment in a DNAPLs contaminated site using CSIAAudí Miró, Carme; Espinola, Roberto; Torrentó Aguerri, Clara; Otero Pérez, Neus; Rosell, Mònica; Rossi, Adriana; Palau, Jordi; Soler i Gil, Albert
1-Nov-2010Denitrification of groundwater with pyrite and Thiobacillus denitrificansTorrentó Aguerri, Clara; Cama i Robert, Jordi; Urmeneta, Jordi; Otero Pérez, Neus; Soler i Gil, Albert
29-Oct-2010Denitrification with pyrite for bioremediation of nitrate contaminated groundwaterTorrentó Aguerri, Clara