Browsing by Subject Sweet potatoes

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-May-2016Identification and functional characterization of P1N-PISPO, a new gene product present in sweet potato potyvirusesMingot Martí, Ares
6-Oct-2004Síntesis de la feromona sexual de Cylas formicarius elegantulus. Bioensayos de laboratorio y de campo.Sureda Fernández, Tania
25-Aug-2022Sweet Potato Is Not Simply an Abundant Food Crop: A Comprehensive Review of Its Phytochemical Constituents, Biological Activities, and the Effects of ProcessingLaveriano-Santos, Emily P.; López-Yerena, Anallely; Jaime-Rodríguez, Carolina; González-Coria, Johana; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.; Vallverdú i Queralt, Anna; Romanyà i Socoró, Joan; Pérez Bosch, Maria