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Showing results 35103 to 35122 of 83922 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2023Gaining or losing PhDs: What are the effects on firms' linkages with universities?Afcha Chávez, Sergio; Garcia-Quevedo, Jose; Mas-Verdú, Francisco
8-Mar-2023Gal-1 Expression Analysis in the GLIOCAT Multicenter Study: Role as a Prognostic Factor and an Immune-Suppressive BiomarkerMartínez Bosch, Neus; Vilariño, Noelia; Alameda, Francesc; Mojal, Sergi; Arumí Uria, Montserrat; Carrato, Cristina; Aldecoa Ansórregui, Iban; Ribalta Farrés, Teresa María; Vidal, Noemí; Bellosillo, Beatriz; Menéndez, Silvia; Barco, Sonia del; Gallego, Oscar; Pineda, Estela; López Martos, Raquel; Hernández, Ainhoa; Mesia, Carlos; Esteve Codina, Anna; Iglesia, Núria de la; Balañá, Carme; Martínez García, María; Navarro, Pilar
Dec-2014Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): refining the local galaxy merger rate using morphological informationCasteels, Kevin R. V; Conselice, Christopher J.; Bamford, Steven P.; Salvador Solé, Eduard; Norberg, Peder R.; Agius, Nicola K.; Baldry, Ivan; Brough, Sarah; Brown, Michael J. I.; Drinkwater, Michael J.; Driver, Simon P; Graham, Alister W.; Bland Hawthorn, Joss; Hopkins, Andrew M.; Kelvin, Lee S.; López Sánchez, Angel R.; Loveday, Jon; Robotham, Aaron S. G.; Vázquez Mata, José A.
22-Oct-2012Galaxy evolution: A new version of the Besançon Galaxy Model constrained with Tycho dataCzekaj, Maria A.
Jul-2021Galaxy growth through accretion and mergersVillegas Pelegrín, Sergio-Yersi
1-Oct-2022Galectins-1, -3 and -9 Are Present in Breast Milk and Have a Role in Early Life DevelopmentRio-Aige, Karla; Girbal, Marina; Selma-Royo, Marta; Parra-Llorca, Anna; González, Sonia; Martínez Costa, Cecilia; Castell, Margarida; Collado, Maria Carmen; Pérez-Cano, Francisco J.; Rodríguez Lagunas, María José
1-Dec-2020Galenic and Biopharmaceutical Study of the Triamcinolone Acetonide and Lidocaine Hydrochloride Semisolid Formulations for Buccal AdministrationMárquez Valls, Marta; Martínez Labrador, Alejandra; Halbaut, Lyda; Bravo Torres, Doménica; Sarango Granda, Paulo; Limón Magaña, David; Calpena Campmany, Ana Cristina
8-Feb-2023Galenic development of a new sunscreen product for skin cancer preventionAmorós-Galicia, Lola
19-Apr-2021Les galeres catalanes a les armades pontifícies en època del Cisma d’Occident. Edició i estudi de l’armada de Benet XIII a Niça (Perpinyà) del 1415Santacruz Gómez, Patrícia
Jun-2016Galeria de l'oblit: dibuix i visio de la soledat a l'ancianitatMoya Carmona, Ismael
18-Nov-2016Galeria virtual per redescobrir l'univers del paper decorat. Novembre 2016Universitat de Barcelona. CRAI
Jun-2013La galería Stadler en la trayectoria de Antonio SauraNoronha Martinez, Carolina
1-Apr-2014Galinier, Martin & Baratte, François (editeurs). Iconographie funéraire romaine et société: Corpus antique, approches nouvelles?. Perpignan: Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, 2013. Collection Histoire de l'arte, 3.271 págs. [17x24]Pérez González, Jordi
1-Sep-2010Gall Bladder and Extrahepatic Bile Duct Lymphomas: Clinicopathological Observations and Biological ImplicationsMani, Haresh; Climent, Fina; Colomo Saperas, Lluís; Pittaluga, Stefania; Raffeld, Mark; Jaffe, Elaine S.
2007Gallego-portugués, iberorromance. La fala en su contexto románico peninsularGargallo Gil, José Enrique
16-Jun-2012Gallery districts of Barcelona: the strategic play of art dealersRius, Joaquim
22-Jun-2019Gallic Acid Dimer As a Double π−Hole Donor: Evidence from X‑ray, Theoretical Calculations, and Generalization from the Cambridge Structural DatabaseProhens López, Rafael; de-Sande, Dafne; Font Bardia, Ma. Mercedes; Franconetti, Antonio; González, J. F.; Frontera, Antonio
2008Gallium-Indium-Zinc-Oxide-Based Thin-Film Transistors: Influence of the Source/Drain MaterialBarquinha, Pedro M. C.; Vilà i Arbonès, Anna Maria; Gonçalves, Gonçalo; Pereira, Luís M. N.; Martins, Rodrigo F. P.; Morante i Lleonart, Joan Ramon; Fortunato, Elvira M. C.
4-Jun-2009Galois representations and tame Galois realizationsArias de Reyna Domínguez, Sara
1997Galois representations, embedding problems and modular formsCrespo Vicente, Teresa