Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 66
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Oct-2021Experimental and human studies on aging of adipose tissues: Role for ParkinDelgado Anglés, Alejandro
6-Sep-2021Complejos del receptor sigma y de heterómeros de receptores acoplados a proteínas G en adicción y control de apetitoCasanovas Ferrero, Mireia
23-Jul-2021Farmacologia Molecular dels Transportadors de Nucleòsids en Teràpia del Càncer: Nucleòsids Naturals No Canònics i RuxolitinibMas Marin, Eduard
22-Mar-2021Estudios de la interacción de los receptores de dopamina con otros receptores implicados en la enfermedad de HuntingtonCastellanos Martínez, Antonio
12-Feb-2021The interplay of the adipokine neuregulin-4 on the inflammation, autophagy, oxidative stress and insulin responsiveness in adipocytes and skeletal muscleDíaz Sáez, Francisco
26-Feb-2021Bariatric surgery and diet change in ratsRossell Rusiñol, Joana
23-Jul-2020Nous factors implicats en la patologia cardíaca i l’obesitatFerrer Curriu, Gemma
16-Sep-2020Study of the metabolic reprogramming associated to metastasis in colon cancerTarragó Celada, Josep
17-Jul-2020Implicació del miRNorma tumoral en l´expressió del transportador concentratiu de nucleòsids hCNT1Boces Pascual, Clara
2-Jun-2020Lligams funcionals i bioquímics entre els transportadors de nucleòsids i el metabolisme de nucleòtidsPerelló-Reus, Catalina
9-Nov-2020Papel de la enterocina FGF15/19 en la plasticidad adiposa y cardíacaMorón Ros, Samantha
21-Oct-2020Definition and validation of targets associated with the metabolic reprogramming of haematological malignanciesContreras Mostazo, Miriam Guadalupe
23-May-2019Bioanalytical and proteomic approaches in the study of pathologic ECs dysfunctionality, oxidative stress and the effect of PFKFB3 modulatorsNukala, Sarath Babu
13-Feb-2020Metabolic adaptations in liver-specific OPA1 knockout miceBarros, Susana Raquel Costa
24-Jan-2020Oligomerización de receptores α₁ᴀ adrenérgicos y receptores dopaminérgicos en el SNC: implicación en la modulación de la atenciónHomar Ruano, Patricia C.
17-Jan-2020Biology of the cardiovascular Kv7.1 functional complexSerrano Novillo, Clara
20-Dec-2019Development of model-driven approaches for metabolic flux analysis and anticancer drug discoveryFoguet Coll, Carles
20-Dec-2019Functional implications of Kv1.3 spatial organizationCapera Aragonés, Jesusa
13-Dec-2019Characterization of Endothelial Cells dysfunction associated to Acute Myocardial Infarction: modulation of metabolic pathways as a new therapeutic approachZodda, Erika
21-Oct-2019Regulation of brown adipose tissue metabolism by TP53INP2 = Regulació del metabolisme del teixit adipós marró per mitja de TP53INP2Sabaté Pérez, Alba
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 66