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Title: Production of Encecalin in Cell Cultures and Hairy Roots of Helianthella quinquenervis (Hook.) A. Gray
Author: Hernández Altarmirano, J. Mabel
Fernández Ugidos, Irene
Palazón Barandela, Javier
Bonfill Baldrich, Ma. Mercedes
García Angulo, Penélope
Álvarez, Jesús
Acebes, José L.
Bye, Robert
Encina, Antonio
Keywords: Plantes medicinals
Metabolisme cel·lular
Medicinal plants
Cell metabolism
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2020
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Plant cell and organ cultures of Helianthella quinquenervis, a medicinal plant whose roots are used by the Tarahumara Indians of Chihuahua, Mexico, to relieve several ailments, were established to identify and quantify some chromenes with biological activity, such as encecalin, and to evaluate their potential for biotechnological production. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis corroborated the presence of quantifiable amounts of encecalin in H. quinquenervis cell cultures (callus and cell suspensions). In addition, hairy roots were obtained through three transformation protocols (prick, 45-s sonication and co-culture), using wild type Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4. After three months, cocultivation achieved the highest percentage of transformation (66%), and a comparable production (FW) of encecalin (110 g/g) than the sonication assay (120 g/g), both giving far higher yields than the prick assay (19 g/g). Stable integration of rolC and aux1 genes in the transformed roots was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Hairy roots from cocultivation (six months-old) accumulated as much as 1086 g/g (FW) of encecalin, over three times higher than the cell suspension cultures. The production of encecalin varied with growth kinetics, being higher at the stationary phase. This is the first report of encecalin production in hairy roots of H. quinquenervis, demonstrating the potential for a future biotechnological production of chromenes.
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It is part of: Molecules, 2020, vol. 25(14), num. 3231
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ISSN: 1420-3049
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Biologia, Sanitat i Medi Ambient)

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