Articles publicats en revistes (Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB)) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 779
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Nov-2022Running Vacuum and the ΛCDM tensionsSolà Peracaula, Joan
15-Nov-2023Advancing interplanetary magnetohydrodynamic models through solar energetic particle modellingInsights from the 2013 March 15 SEP eventNiemela, A.; Wijsen, N.; Aran, Àngels; Rodriguez, L.; Magdalenic, J.; Poedts, S.
2023The Impact of the Galactic bar on tidal streams within the Galactic disc. The case of the tidal stream of the HyadesThomas, Guillaume F.; Famaey, Benoit; Monari, Giacomo; Laporte, Chervin F. P.; Ibata, Rodrigo; de Laverny, Patrick; Hill, Vanessa; Boily, Christian
20-Dec-2023Running vacuum in Brans & Dicke theory: A possible cure for the sigma_8  and H_0 tensionsCruz Pérez, Javier de; Solà Peracaula, Joan
24-Feb-2023SBETHE: Stopping powers of materials for swift charged particles from the corrected Bethe formulaSalvat Gavaldà, Francesc; Andreo, Pedro
11-Oct-2023Multi-Length Scale Communication Effects in Catalysis: Thinking Big and Acting SmallMoyano i Baldoire, Albert; Crusats i Aliguer, Joaquim
May-2023Unveiling Properties of the Nonthermal X-Ray Production in the Gamma-Ray Binary LS 5039 Using the Long-term Pattern of Its Fast X-Ray VariabilityYoneda, Hiroki; Bosch i Ramon, Valentí; Enoto, Teruaki; Khangulyan, Dmitry; Ray, Paul S.; Strohmayer, Tod; Tamagawa, Toru; Wadiasingh, Zorawar
Sep-2023The role of supernovae inside AGN jets in UHECR accelerationBosch i Ramon, Valentí
Apr-2023Evidence for non-thermal X-ray emission from the double Wolf-Rayet colliding-wind binary Apepdel Palacio, S.; García, F.; De Becker, M.; Altamirano, Diego; Bosch i Ramon, Valentí
Oct-2023Achromatic rapid flares in hard X-rays in the γ-ray binary LS I + 61 303Saavedra, Enzo A.; Romero, Gustavo E.; Bosch i Ramon, Valentí; Kefala, Elina
1-May-2022FastIC: a fast integrated circuit for the readout of high performance detectorsGomez, Sergio; Alozy, J.; Campbell, Michael; Fernandez-Tenllado, José María; Manera Escalero, R.; Mauricio, J.; Pujol, C.; Sanchez, D.; Sanmukh, A.; Sanuy, A.; Ballabriga, R.; Gascón Fora, David
11-May-2021Multiple Use SiPM Integrated Circuit (MUSIC) for Large Area and High Performance SensorsGomez, Sergio; Sanchez, David; Mauricio, Joan; Picatoste Olloqui, Eduardo; Sanuy Charles, Andreu; Sanmukh, Anand; Ribó Gomis, Marc; Gascón Fora, David
20-Jun-2018The First Naked-eye Superflare Detected from Proxima CentauriHoward, Ward S.; Howard, Ward; Tilley, Matt A.; Corbett, Hank; Youngblood, Allison; Loyd, R. O. Parke; Ratzloff, Jeffrey K.; Law, Nicholas M.; Fors Aldrich, Octavi; Ser Badia, Daniel del; Shkolnik, Evgenya L.; Ziegler, Carl; Goeke, Erin E.; Pietraallo, Aaron D.; Haislip, Joshua
12-Nov-2018TFAW: Wavelet-based signal reconstruction to reduce photometric noise in time-domain surveysSer Badia, Daniel del; Fors Aldrich, Octavi; Núñez de Murga, Jorge, 1955-
2014Optical Photometric Monitoring of LS i +61 303Paredes Fortuny, Xavier; Ribó Gomis, Marc; Fors Aldrich, Octavi; Núñez de Murga, Jorge, 1955-; Bosch i Ramon, Valentí
May-2013Telescope Fabra ROA Montsec: a new robotic wide-field Baker-Nunn facilityFors Aldrich, Octavi; Núñez de Murga, Jorge, 1955-; Muiños, J.L.; Montojo, F.J.; Baena Gallé, Roberto; Boloix, J.; López-Morcillo, R.; Merino, M.T.; Downey, E.; Mazur, M.J.
1-Oct-2020EvryFlare. III. Temperature Evolution and Habitability Impacts of Dozens of Superflares Observed Simultaneously by Evryscope and TESSHoward, Ward S.; Corbett, Hank; Law, Nicholas M.; Ratzloff, Jeffrey K.; Galliher, Nathan; Glazier, Amy L.; Gonzalez, Ramses; Vasquez Soto, Alan; Fors Aldrich, Octavi; Ser Badia, Daniel del; Haislip, Joshua
1-Sep-2020Evryscope and K2 Constraints on TRAPPIST-1 Superflare Occurrence and Planetary HabitabilityGlazier, Amy L.; Howard, Ward S.; Corbett, Hank; Law, Nicholas M.; Ratzloff, Jeffrey K.; Fors Aldrich, Octavi; Ser Badia, Daniel del
1-Jun-2020EvryFlare. II. Rotation Periods of the Cool Flare Stars in TESS across Half the Southern SkyHaislip, Joshua; Howard, Ward S.; Corbett, Hank; Law, Nicholas M.; Ratzloff, Jeffrey K.; Galliher, Nathan; Glazier, Amy; Fors Aldrich, Octavi; Ser Badia, Daniel del
29-Jan-2020Robotilter: an automated lens/CCD alignment system for the EvryscopeRatzloff, Jeffrey K.; Law, Nicholas M.; Corbett, Henry T.; Fors Aldrich, Octavi; Ser Badia, Daniel del
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 779