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Title: Magnetic properties of Fe/Tb multilayers
Author: Badia, Ferran
Badry, M. A.
Zhang, Xixiang
Tejada Palacios, Javier
Brand, R. A.
Scholz, B.
Keune, W.
Keywords: Materials magnètics
Propietats magnètiques
Ressonància magnètica
Matèria condensada
Efecte Mössbauer
Magnetic materials
Magnetic properties
Magnetic resonance
Condensed matter
Mössbauer effect
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Abstract: Multilayered Fe/Tb samples were prepared under ultrahigh vacuum conditions (p<10−9 mbar) on kapton substrates. A total of four different samples were prepared. Three of them correspond to a series where the Tb thickness is constant at 26 Å and Fe varies from 10 to 30 Å. The fourth one is the first of a new series where Tb is 7 Å thick and Fe 40 Å. The samples were investigated by means of SQUID magnetometry and Mössbauer spectroscopy. All samples show perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at low temperature (4.2 K), but only two of them are able to show it at room temperature.
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It is part of: Journal of Applied Physics, 1991, vol. 70, núm. 10, p. 6206
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ISSN: 0021-8979
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física de la Matèria Condensada)

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