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Title: Changes in the phenolic content of low density lipoprotein after olive oil consumption in men. A randomized crossover controlled trial
Author: Gimeno Vázquez, Eva
Torre Carbot, Karina de la
Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.
Castellote Bargalló, Ana Isabel
Fitó Colomer, Montserrat
Torre Fornell, Rafael de la
Covas Planells, María Isabel
López Sabater, María del Carmen
Keywords: Antioxidants
Lipoproteïnes de la sang
Oli d'oliva
Vitamina E
Àcids grassos insaturats
Assaigs clínics
Persones grans
Àcid oleic
Lipoproteïnes de baixa densitat
Blood lipoproteins
Olive oil
Vitamin E
Unsaturated fatty acids
Clinical trials
Older people
Oleic acid
Low density lipoproteins
Issue Date: 9-Jun-2007
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Abstract: Olive oil decreases the risk of CVD. This effect may be due to the fatty acid profile of the oil, but it may also be due to its antioxidant content which differs depending on the type of olive oil. In this study, the concentrations of oleic acid and antioxidants (phenolic compounds and vitamin E) in plasma and LDL were compared after consumption of three similar olive oils, but with differences in their phenolic content. Thirty healthy volunteers participated in a placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover, randomized supplementation trial. Virgin, common, and refined olive oils were administered during three periods of 3 weeks separated by a 2-week washout period. Participants were requested to ingest a daily dose of 25 ml raw olive oil, distributed over the three meals of the day, during intervention periods. All three olive oils caused an increase in plasma and LDL oleic acid (P,0·05) content. Olive oils rich in phenolic compounds led to an increase in phenolic compounds in LDL (P,0·005). The concentration of phenolic compounds in LDL was directly correlated with the phenolic concentration in the olive oils. The increase in the phenolic content of LDL could account for the increase of the resistance of LDL to oxidation, and the decrease of the in vivo oxidized LDL, observed in the frame of this trial. Our results support the hypothesis that a daily intake of virgin olive oil promotes protective LDL changes ahead of its oxidation.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: British Journal of Nutrition, 2007, vol. 98, num. 6, p. 1243-1250
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ISSN: 0007-1145
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Nutrició, Ciències de l'Alimentació i Gastronomia)

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