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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Apr-2020Generation and Imaging of Magnetoacoustic Waves over Millimeter DistancesCasals, Blai; Statuto, Nahuel; Foerster, Michael; Hernández Mínguez, Alberto; Cichelero, Rafael; Manshausen, Peter; Mandziak, Ania; Aballe, Lucía; Hernández Ferràs, Joan; Macià Bros, Ferran
20-Nov-2020A Dissymmetric [Gd2] Coordination Molecular Dimer Hosting six Addressable Spin QubitsLuis Vitalla, Fernando; Alonso Gascón, Pablo Javier; Roubeau, Olivier; Velasco Amigó, Verónica; Zueco, David; Aguilà Avilés, David; Martínez, Jesús I.; Barrios Moreno, Leoní Alejandra; Aromí Bedmar, Guillem
20-Jan-2021Injection locking in an optomechanical coherent phonon sourceArregui, Guillermo; Colombano, Martín F.; Maire, Jérémie; Pitanti, Alessandro; Capuj, Néstor E.; Griol, Amadeu; Martínez, Alejandro; Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M.; Navarro Urrios, Daniel
30-Jan-2020Luminescent Pt-II and Pt-IV Platinacycles with Anticancer Activity Against Multiplatinum-Resistant Metastatic CRC and CRPC Cell ModelsLázaro, Ariadna; Balcells Nadal, Cristina; Quirante Serrano, Josefina; Badía Palacín, Josefa; Baldomà Llavinés, Laura; Ward, Jas S.; Rissanen, Kari; Font Bardia, Ma. Mercedes; Rodríguez Raurell, Laura; Crespo Vicente, Margarita Ma.; Cascante i Serratosa, Marta
28-Sep-2018Wound healing-promoting effects stimulated by extracellular calcium and calcium-releasing nanoparticles on dermal fibroblastsNavarro Requena, Claudia; Pérez Amodio, Soledad; Castaño Linares, Óscar; Engel, Elisabeth
14-Oct-2020A heterometallic [LnLn ' Ln] lanthanide complex as a qubit with embedded quantum error correctionMacaluso, Emilio; Rubin, Marcos; Aguilà Avilés, David; Chiesa, Alessandro; Barrios Moreno, Leoní Alejandra; Martínez, Jesús I.; Alonso Gascón, Pablo Javier; Roubeau, Olivier; Luis Vitalla, Fernando; Aromí Bedmar, Guillem; Carretta, Stefano
2019Laser-induced forward transfer: fundamentals and applicationsSerra Coromina, Pere; Piqué, Alberto
2017Low-cost fabrication of printed electronics devices through continuous wave laser-induced forward transferSopeña i Martínez, Pol; Arrese Carrasquer, Javier; González-Torres, Sergio; Fernández Pradas, Juan Marcos; Cirera Hernández, Albert; Serra Coromina, Pere
5-Apr-2022A ferric guest inside a spin crossover ferrous helicateBarrios Moreno, Leoní Alejandra; Diego, Rosa; Darawsheh, Mohanad D.; Martínez, Jesús I.; Roubeau, Olivier; Aromí Bedmar, Guillem
29-Jul-2020Laser-induced forward transfer: a method for printing functional inksFernández Pradas, Juan Marcos; Serra Coromina, Pere