Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Física Collection home page

Treballs Finals del Grau de Física de la Facultat de Físca de la Universitat de Barcelona.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 826
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2023Path integrals in quantum mechanical systemsPons Polo, Gerard
Jun-2023Superconducting transition in polycrystalline YBa2Cu3O7-x: diving into the meaning of Tc and the excess of electrical conductivity in the normal statePlanella Vidal, Anna
Jun-2023Decoding the interference signal in white light interferometry for precision temperature sensingPiñol Febrero, Jordi
Jun-2023Covid-like epidemic spreading on networksPérez Pérez, Arnau
Jun-2023Semiclassical approach for path integrals in quantum mechanicsPeña Almazán, Álvaro
Jun-2023Bright soliton dynamics in confining and expelling potentialsParcerisa Conesa, Marc
Jun-2023Spinodal instability in an expanding universePagès Gutiérrez, Pau
Jun-2023Reviewing and delving into the causes of the Hubble tensionOvejero Torres, Laura
Jun-2023Achilles: a search for Trojans in the Earth-Moon systemOrtega Casas, Iris
Jun-2023Static and Dynamic Study of Bose-Einstein CondensatesOlivart Pino, Ernest
Jun-2023Fano resonances in plasmonic nanoarraysNúñez Corbacho, Joan
Feb-2023Black Hole Shadows: Schwarzschild & Reissner-Nordström (anti-)dSitterNeher Mestre, Narcís
Jun-2023How is snow simulated in climate models?Morodo Hernández, Daniel
Jun-2023Gravitational lensing on a binary mass lens: caustics and critical linesMoreso Serra, Anna
Jun-2023Carbon Capture and Storage technology’s role in CO2 emissions reduction and the energy costMoreno Aguado, Berta
Jun-2023Correlation functions of 2D Black Holes in JT gravityMontellà Manuel, Laia
Jun-2023Multivariate analysis of bar fractions in the local UniverseMerino Muñoz, Guillem
Jun-2023Searching for evidence of stellar cycles by using variations in flares rateMassip Gil, Gerard
Jun-2023Uranverein: A Physical DiscussionMartos Cardona, Alba
Jun-2023Network properties of Informal Support Networks in Mental HealthMartínez Pérez, Oriol
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 826