Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Física Collection home page

Treballs Finals del Grau de Física de la Facultat de Físca de la Universitat de Barcelona.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 826
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2024Statistical physics of the Schelling model of segregationAndreu Sanchez, Sintayehu
Jan-2024Study of Quark-Gluon Plasma by suppression of heavy quarkoniumAgustiño Batet, Mario
Jun-2023Comparison of the AQO and the QAOA for the vertex coloring problemVidal Marcos, Eric
Jun-2023Kinematical algebras in a non-relativistic expansion of the Lorentz forceVérez-Fraguela Cerdeira, José Luis
Jun-2023Consensus formation in the Deffuant model of opinion dynamicsVeefkind Castelló, Joris
Jun-2023Development of an optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopeTorres Durall, Jordi
Jun-2023Validation of the acquisition algorithms for FSSCat’s Soil Moisture productTerraza Palanca, Inés
Jun-20233D Modelling of the Large Magellanic Cloud using Markov Chain Monte CarloStrunk Fernández-Villanueva, Jan
Jun-2023Impact of biomass burning emissions on seasonal forecastsSorribes Portella, Elisabet
Jun-2023Gray Molasses on Rubidium-87 atomsSolé Cardona, Èlia
Jun-2023Carbon nanotubes grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of acetylene in the presence of water vaporSancho Tàpia, Júlia
Jun-2023Study of pentaquark systemsSánchez Alves, Yuri
Jun-2023Equation of state of the running vacuum in quantum field theorySalvador García, Iván
Jun-2023Monte Carlo study of few-bosons in a one-dimensional trapSabater García, Francesc
Jun-2023Exploring neuronal synchrony through Kuramoto modelRomagosa Torrallardona, Montserrat
Jan-2023Entanglement entropy and holographyRodríguez Mascaró, Ferran
Jun-2023Birkhoff’s theorem for Einstein gravity and beyondRodríguez Amado, Emilio
Jun-2023Regional homogeneity, ALFF and fALFF in rs-fMRI in a Alzheimer’s disease rat modelRecasens Esparraguera, Pau
Jun-2023Simulation of the nuclear shell-model with quantum circuitsRamon Escandell, Carlos
Jun-2023Temporal properties of network growth with node removalPuig Turón, Miquel
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 826