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dc.contributor.authorDrago, Massimiliano-
dc.contributor.authorFranco-Trecu, Valentina-
dc.contributor.authorZenteno Devaud, Lisette-
dc.contributor.authorSzteren, D.-
dc.contributor.authorCrespo, Enrique A.-
dc.contributor.authorRiet-Sapriza, Federico G.-
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, L. de-
dc.contributor.authorMachado, R.-
dc.contributor.authorInchausti, Pablo-
dc.contributor.authorCardona Pascual, Luis-
dc.description.abstractStable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in skin and bone of South American sea lions from Brazil and Uruguay were analysed to test the hypothesis that trophic overlap between the sexes is lower during the pre-breeding season than throughout the rest of the year. The isotopic values of skin and bone were used to infer the trophic relationships between the sexes during the pre-breeding period and year round, respectively. Prey species were also analysed to establish a baseline necessary for interpreting the stable isotope ratios of skin and bone. Standard ellipse areas, estimated using Bayesian inference in the SIBER routine of the SIAR package in R, suggested that males and females used a wide diversity of foraging strategies throughout the year and that no differences existed between the sexes. However, the diversity of foraging strategies was largely reduced during the pre-breeding period, with all the individuals of each sex adopting similar strategies, but with the two sexes differing considerably in stable isotope values and the ellipse areas of males and females not overlapping at all. Nevertheless, the results revealed a general increase in the consumption of pelagic prey by both sexes during the pre-breeding period. The progressive crowding of individuals in the areas surrounding the breeding rookeries during the pre-breeding period could lead to an increase in the local population density, which could explain the above reported changes.-
dc.format.extent12 p.-
dc.relation.isformatofReproducció del document publicat a:
dc.relation.ispartofMarine Ecology Progress Series, 2015, vol. 525, p. 261-272-
dc.rights(c) Inter-Research, 2015-
dc.sourceArticles publicats en revistes (Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals)-
dc.subject.classificationRiu de la Plata (Argentina i Uruguai)-
dc.subject.classificationConducta sexual dels animals-
dc.subject.otherRío de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay)-
dc.subject.otherSexual behavior in animals-
dc.titleSexual foraging segregation in South American sea lions increases during the pre-breeding period in the La Plata River plume-
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals)

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